Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bad days...

I was going to write a really long post about how shitty my day was today, but I'm not going to. I'm going to write a really short one about how shitty my day was.

I got called into work this morning to do a route because Cal died last night. Cal was a good guy and he will be missed. I worked until I had to go to class, then I went to my classes, both of which were pointless today, then back to work (after a brief stop to pick up a ticket for the 940 showing of 300). Work sucked. 300 was good, but completely unsuprising. I got out of the movie and my car wouldn't start. It's sitting in the parking lot at Cape West 14.

I think God is trying to tell me something, and I think that something is, "Hey, I don't like you."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I still haven't restrung my guitar

It's almost been a month since I broke the string on my dad's guitar. I miss playing it.

I watched Confetti. It was ok. I gave it a 6 on IMDB. Maybe a bit more than it deserves. I thought it was supposed to be a romantic mockumentary. It was pretty much just a romantumentary though. There wasn't a lot of humor. There were funny parts, most of them involved Jimmy Carr, suprise suprise. The first part of the movie was a lot funnier than the second part. It was better than "Thank You for Your Consideration" though, which isn't really saying much. Borat is funnier than TYFYC.

I have a test tomorrow in MC 201. I should be sleeping so I can get up a little early and study a little bit before the test. Obviously I'm not because I'm typing this.

Speaking of things I need to do; I need to write a concert report for that concert I went to in Paducah. Paducah is a pretty neat town. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I went to Paducah last Saturday to see a symphony concert. It was pretty cool. What was really cool was that on the way back we listened to 91.3, which is Murray's college station, and they were playing a bunch of kicking music. Arcade Fire, Neko Case, Mountain Goats, Sufjan, Beirut. How awesome is it to be driving around and to have "Postcards From Italy" play on the radio? I'll tell you. Pretty f-ing awesome!!!


Thursday, March 01, 2007


I thought of a neat phrase: Sassy Curtains. It's a euphamism, I just don't know what for. It sounds really dirty though. I was playing with my sassy curtains. We were playing with our sassy curtains.
He/She/It was playing with his/her/its sassy curtains.

I haven't posted much lately because I haven't had much to say. I've been working, going to school, and playing various games. That's about it. I'll let you know when something interesting happens.