Sunday, October 30, 2005

"The Infanta"; The Decemberists

So the game went well last night. It went better than I'd have hoped. Matt Buchhiet showed up a jaw-dropping two hours late, but it all worked out ok cause we didn't start on time anyway. I think everyone had fun. I certainly did. I don't think Matthew liked my stew, but I wasn't especially thrilled with it either. I had never made stew before. I think it turned out a little bland. But that bread! How about that.

So now that the game is over I have to do all those things I'd been putting off, like the two papers that I have to do. I wonder when I'll do those things. I can't tomorrow. Tuesday I'm at work. Oh well. I'll figure it out. I also need to figure out that other thing I need to figure out before the semester ends.

Hey! Halloween is tomorrow!!! I'm actually not too terribly excited about tomorrow as I won't be able to do any of the things I normally do on Halloween, namely visit family members and eat candy. Work is going to be a bitch tomorrow. Oh well. I had Halloween yesterday.

Well I think I gots to take Ben back to St. Louis now, so I'm outta here!

This post is dedicated to Shit Surgeon Brian. You will be missed.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"Jenny Says"; Cowboy Mouth

Um... what was I going to say... I don't remember now. I'm pretty much working on the Halloween game all the time now. It happens in three days or something. I haven't checked the weather report yet... I'm a bit concerned about the weather. I have a lot of stuff to do before the game... I don't really get stressed too often, but I'm sort of getting stressed now. Usually when I get stressed I just shrug off whatever is stressing me, and ignore it. I'm not going to do that with the Halloween game. I can't think of anything interesting to say. Sorry folks. I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Dr. Pyser"; BFF!

Here's a brief summary of what's been happening to me since last I blogged (Brief cause I got to get up in 6 hours or something...)

Saturday: Me and Bucket built some props for the game; Matthew and Ben rocked the house on some puzzles that needed some working out; Me, Matthew, Bucket, Droib, and Spants worked on some more props, watched Van Helsing. I like Van Helsing. It's an enjoyable movie. It is also an utterly terrible film.

Sunday: Napped. Watched Red vs Blue. Went to my Grandma's house for soup ( NINE DIFFERENT SOUPS! It was ridiculous). Smoked J-Long in the head with a frisbee (He was bleeding for a considerable amount of time) Tried to blog and failed.

Monday: Schooled, Worked, Played Magic. Came home. Found out that my Unlce Terrence's Caprice got stolen. Was shocked, but not suprised.

My friends rock beyond belief. Everyone is totally kicking ass on this game. My friends are incredibly talented and creative people and it's awesome to have everyone putting their talents together in such a cool way.
The car thing sucks for Terrence. That is the second Caprice he's had stolen within the city of St. Louis. They might find the car, but it'll be stripped and destroyed. Terrence needs to get out of St. Louis, it's bad luck for him.
Matthew has to work on Halloween! That is total balls. I have to work on Halloween, but I'll be done by 9. He doesn't even start till 8. That totally sucks. For one thing, we can't draft, but aside from that... IT'S HALLOWEEN! Come on! No one should have to work on Halloween... at least they shouldn't have to work past 5 pm.
I don't know why I like Halloween so much. If you can figure it out let me know. I think I'm going to bed now... or am I? Yes. I am. Goodnight Blog.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Requiem for O.M.M 2; Of Montreal

I played some frisbee tonight and injured my good friend Jonathan Long in the process. I threw a bullet of a pass to Matthew, who was being guarded by J-long. The frisbee clocked Jonathan in the forheard/eyebrow area, he started bleeding and the game pretty much ended at that point. I like the weekly frisbee games, as it allows me to socialize with some of my high school friends that I don't normally socialize with.

So the game happens in 6 days. I'm really enjoying working on the game. Working on the Halloween Game has provided me with an excellent oppurtunity to work with my friends in ways that I normally wouldn't. It's really neat (I'm sorry for that adjective... it's the only one I could find) to see this project come together the way it's coming together. Everyone involved is just really kicking ass and bringing so much to the game, it's awesome. Everyone is participating and... I don't know what else to say. It's cool to see how much talent and creativity that my group of friends has, and it's awesome to put it to use in such a fun way.... I'm sorry this is sort of gushy and poorly written. I'm just stoked.

Anyway... I'm playing Final Fantasy VIII again. It's still my favorite Final Fantasy. I really like the story and the characters. The game play is definately unlike any other RPG I've ever played... well sort of. The stats and stuff work a lot differently, but the battles are pretty much the same as every other FF game.

What else... I just read some interesting stuff about prostitutes for my history class. In fact I'll leave you with a quote from the reading:
"Another gynecological problem that prostitutes may have experienced was chronic pelvic congestion, caused by excessive sexual intercourse without orgasm, an uncomfortable condition which prostitutes now frequently seek medical help."

I'm Out!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Crappy-asst Special Edition"

I wonder if I can post and listen to this podcast at the same time. We'll see...

This weekend is the big build weekend for the game. It's exciting. Ben is home. He's playing final fantasy 8. I'm tired. I'm also becoming acclimated to the sound of my own voice. I'm not used to hearing it as other people hear it.

Um... what else... I have nothing else to say. I'm sorry. I suck.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Agnus Dei; Rufus Wainwright

I've seen some movies since last I blogged. Some good, some bad. Mostly bad though.

On Saturday, I saw Patch Adams. It was crap. It was cheese. It was sappy. It was sentimental garbage. There are a couple of legitimate moments in the film. Robins Williams acts a smidgeon in these passable scenes. The badness of this movie can't be put into words, but I'll try. The movie panders in the worst kinds of ways. It's Robin Williams riffing, doing some prop comedy, having a pseudo romantic scene, pandering, cancer kids, the end. Don't let this movie trick you. It will try. Be strong.

On Sunday I watched Last of the Mohicans. It's a good movie. I watch it every year. I like how the climax kind of sneaks up on you. The movie is moving along and then all of a sudden it's the end game and you're like "already?" Of course I usually sleep through the middle of the movie where there are no spiffy 1800's battles... (I'm not saying this in a snide or pejorative sort of way, I'm usually sleepy when I watch this movie)

On Tuesday I watched Along Came Polly. Ben Stiller is not funny in this movie. Ben Stiller is not funny in the majority of movies I see him in. Someone at work recommended this movie to me. He told me some of the jokes. The execution of the jokes was much better in my head than on screen. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is too good for this movie. Alec Baldwin is too good for this movie. Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller deserve this movie.

The Office (American) is getting better and better with every episode I've seen. I've seen a total of 5 and, with the exception of the pilot, they've all been good. My Name is Earl is also consistently good. What is this? NBC is making good television again... without a laugh track? Don't worry, we'll always have Joey.

Ok Blog, goodnight.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

You Never Give Me Your Money; The Beatles

We had a pseudo LAN party last night. It was fun, but it ended right as we were all hitting our LAN-stride.

There are a number of things I should be doing right now. I should be working on the game. I should be working on the research paper that's due the day before the game. I'm Bloggin, then I'm going to play Unreal or maybe Starcraft.... we'll see.

I'm not going to the Decemberist concert tomorrow. I don't feel too bad. It's really hard to justify going to the concert with all the stuff I should be doing/spending money on. I'm thinking about taking a break from WOW at least till the expansion comes out... unless the expansion is just late game content. Then I'll be annoyed.

Anyway, maybe I'll do something interesting today, and post about that later. That is all for now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Grace Cathedral Hill"; The Decemberists

My computer has issues with the latest patch for WOW. I can't play it. I'm sad. I wish I had a DVD player other than my computer.

I learned how to play Grace Cathedral Hill today. It's not too hard. I like playing the guitar. I think I'm getting better, but it's hard to tell.

Fall Break is here. It was 80 degrees again today. I'm wearing Navy Blue Sweatpants. These are all statements that are true. This is the most uninteresting post I've ever made.

I tried to find The 88's cd at Best Buy tonight. They didn't have it. They are bastards.

I'm going to find something non-WOW to do.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mass Romantic; The New Pornographers

I really want to like these guys. I'm trying, but only the Neko Case songs are getting through.

I played ultimate frisbee with some of my friends last night. Despite some pretty despicable and unsportsmanlike conduct from our opponents my team won 10 to 8. So here is why my team won Ultimate Frisbee last night:

1. We didn't yell at each other in angry or spiteful or sarcastic ways, and if we did it was done tastefully, in Scottish accents.
2. We played defense. It seemed that the other team was so afraid of not catching the frisbee while on D they didn't bother to try. There were a lot of turnovers by both teams, but our team definately lead in interceptions.
3. Hey Matt Buchheit! *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
4. We passed frequently and in a timely manner.

We played "No-Slap" Frisbee last night.In No-slap, if the frisbee is not caught, whichever team touched it last goes on defense. In "Slap" frisbee, if the frisbee touches the ground, possession changes. So you can slap the frisbee out of the air, in lieu of catching it, to get possession. The differences in play between the two variations of Ultimate frisbee are subtle. The biggest difference between slap and no-slap is this; In no slap you don't have to guard the passer. In fact guarding the passer is dangerous, cause they could just pop you in the face with the frisbee, and retain possession. I think it's more challenging than slap.

Hey I worked an 8 hour day at work today. Actually, nine and a half, but who's counting.

Hall of the Mountain King; Mannheim Steamroller

Is it too early to listen to Halloween music? I don't know if I'm into it yet. A little over two weeks till the game. It's coming together. I need to call Danny. I just had an idea. I know what to do if Danny can't play. I rule.

I was going to switch to something less cheezy, music-wise, but this is growing on me. I don't really like this album too much. It's midi file versions of some classical tunes. Hold on, I'm switching to my Halloween desktop. Much better. I love Halloween.

I read Neil Gaiman's latest book, Inansi Boys. It was ok. American Gods was better. The problems with Inansi Boys are as follows:
1. Charlie is a mishmash of bad cliches (Are there good cliches?). When the book starts he's rather interesting, but he quickly becomes the "lame brother" archetype as soon as Spider steps on scene.
2. The whole "A Guy Thing" love quadrangle was particularly uninspired in the atrocious Jason Lee vehicle, and isn't any better in the context of a Neil Gaiman novel.
3. The ending, and when I say the ending I mean the last 5 chapters were... I don't know. I think the idea was to show how neat it was that all of these characters are drawn together to one place in a sort of crazy and different ways. It came off as lame and predictable.
4. The book was sort of a "Perfect Strangers" rip off. I mean it was good because Neil Gaiman wrote it, well it was better than it could have been, but it was completely unnecessary.
5. Charlie's dad tells him to give Spider a kiss. The reader is lead to believe that this will be significant. It never happens.
One thing that really bothered me was the whole song thing at the end. I was under the impression that Inansi didn't really heal Charlie's mom, but gave her leave to live the rest of her life how she wanted to. His "magic" was convincing the doctors and what not to let her go. But apparently that isn't what happened. He cured her... but she still died not too much later...
The fact that it was written by Neil Gaiman lends it a certain credibility, on which it seems to coast. I won't read the book again. I'm not saying that you shouldn't read it, but don't judge Mr. Gaiman on this book. He does so much better in other works.

I guess I've ranted enough.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

You Only Live Twice (Nancy Sinatra)

I suck at coming up with titles to my posts, so I'm trying something new. I'm naming my posts after what I'm listening to as I post.

You only live twice might be my favorite connery bond movie. I like most of Sean's Bond Movies... not all, but most.

I played frisbee and talked politics with Jonathan, Bucket, and Matthew tonight. It was fun.

I don't have recurring dreams, but I have recurring themes or events in my dreams. One of which is the better Cape Public Library. It has two floors, one of which I never visit in my dreams, and a convience store. This is a recurring dream because I spend a lot of time in Cape Public Library. Another theme is me running. I run a lot in my dreams. Sometimes, to go faster, I run quadraped style. This, I'm fairly sure, has something to do with my fascination with werewolves. Anyway, I like running in real life. It's fun. Jogging sucks balls. There is just something about flat out running, as hard and as fast as you can. It's great. I'm sure this is old news to all you athletes that read my blog, of which, I'm sure, there are countless.

I'm a little irritated at Autumn's reluctance to manifest itself this year. It was almost 90 degrees outside today. It's October. This is ridiculous.

Ok. I'm going to bed. Latah!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October, a month that means business

hey, it's october. It's also almost 90 degrees outside. I don't like warm weather. I'm built for coldness.

I spent the 5 minutes prior to this blog post trying to find good music to write a blog post to. Nothing jumped out so I just put media player on random. It's playing one of the new okgo songs now. I didn't know what it was at first.

I got that paper back that I wrote a while ago. It got a B... B-... I saw it coming.

Hey here's a beatles song I've never heard before. Fun.

Things I'm currently thinking about, not necessarily in this order:

1. Halloween Game: Will it happen? Who will play?
2. Work: Stu is pretty cool for a frat boy. Pretty cool in general. Jimmy needs to watch the Office.
3. Everything seems boring. I can't focus. Nothing holds my attention. I don't enjoy the things I used to enjoy in the way I used to enjoy them. This is a relatively new occurence. Within the past couple of weeks. It'll probably go away.
4. School: I don't think I want to be a Philosophy major anymore.

Should I go to sleep? I'm not tired... Cali One/Youth and Beauty Brigade just came on. I can't turn that off. Ok, goodnight and thanks for playing.