Sunday, October 30, 2005

"The Infanta"; The Decemberists

So the game went well last night. It went better than I'd have hoped. Matt Buchhiet showed up a jaw-dropping two hours late, but it all worked out ok cause we didn't start on time anyway. I think everyone had fun. I certainly did. I don't think Matthew liked my stew, but I wasn't especially thrilled with it either. I had never made stew before. I think it turned out a little bland. But that bread! How about that.

So now that the game is over I have to do all those things I'd been putting off, like the two papers that I have to do. I wonder when I'll do those things. I can't tomorrow. Tuesday I'm at work. Oh well. I'll figure it out. I also need to figure out that other thing I need to figure out before the semester ends.

Hey! Halloween is tomorrow!!! I'm actually not too terribly excited about tomorrow as I won't be able to do any of the things I normally do on Halloween, namely visit family members and eat candy. Work is going to be a bitch tomorrow. Oh well. I had Halloween yesterday.

Well I think I gots to take Ben back to St. Louis now, so I'm outta here!

This post is dedicated to Shit Surgeon Brian. You will be missed.


Anonymous said...

You know I'm not an adventurous eater. Also, I haven't really had stew either... I dunno. What I ate was fine, the rest scared me and I, you know, didn't. You really shouldn't use me as a benchmark on how effective any sort of cooking endeavor is.

Pete said...

oh yes. the beast joke is fondly in my memory as a key role in the development of our friendship.