Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Agnus Dei; Rufus Wainwright

I've seen some movies since last I blogged. Some good, some bad. Mostly bad though.

On Saturday, I saw Patch Adams. It was crap. It was cheese. It was sappy. It was sentimental garbage. There are a couple of legitimate moments in the film. Robins Williams acts a smidgeon in these passable scenes. The badness of this movie can't be put into words, but I'll try. The movie panders in the worst kinds of ways. It's Robin Williams riffing, doing some prop comedy, having a pseudo romantic scene, pandering, cancer kids, the end. Don't let this movie trick you. It will try. Be strong.

On Sunday I watched Last of the Mohicans. It's a good movie. I watch it every year. I like how the climax kind of sneaks up on you. The movie is moving along and then all of a sudden it's the end game and you're like "already?" Of course I usually sleep through the middle of the movie where there are no spiffy 1800's battles... (I'm not saying this in a snide or pejorative sort of way, I'm usually sleepy when I watch this movie)

On Tuesday I watched Along Came Polly. Ben Stiller is not funny in this movie. Ben Stiller is not funny in the majority of movies I see him in. Someone at work recommended this movie to me. He told me some of the jokes. The execution of the jokes was much better in my head than on screen. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is too good for this movie. Alec Baldwin is too good for this movie. Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller deserve this movie.

The Office (American) is getting better and better with every episode I've seen. I've seen a total of 5 and, with the exception of the pilot, they've all been good. My Name is Earl is also consistently good. What is this? NBC is making good television again... without a laugh track? Don't worry, we'll always have Joey.

Ok Blog, goodnight.

1 comment:

Pete said...

check out my blogs for decemberists pictures and goodness.