Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mostly about Travelouges

I had a test today in MC 301. All weekend I was like, "I should study for this test. I should do the study guide. I should really devote some time going over the stuff that's going to be on this test." But I didn't do any of that. Saturday I was a disgrace to humanity. I woke up. Did nothing. Ate lunch. Watched 30 Rock. Took a nap. Went to Fazzoli's with the lads. Went to Walmart to kill time before work. Saw Thomas there. Had a nice conversation with him. Went to work. Actually the last four things weren't all that disgraceful, but the rest of the day I was a useless human being. Sunday was slightly better. I went to Mass, did some homework, helped with lunch, watched some long way down, made some cookies and played some Pharaoh, but no studying. So this morning, I woke up early to get some studying down before class. I got to class half and hour early, studied briefly, and got a 96% on the test. Boo-yeah. I guess the moral of the story is, I'm awesome.

Speaking of Long Way Down, which I did briefly last paragraph, I enjoyed Long Way Down, which is the second travel documentary made by Charlie Boorman and Ewan MacGregor. If you recall, last year I watched Long Way Round, their first documentary. It was the story of Ewan and Charlie riding around the world on Motor cycles. In Long Way Down they ride from Scotland to South Africa on motorcycles. Long Way Round is a much better documentary series then Long Way Down, but that's not because Long Way Down is bad, it's because LWR is so incredibly awesome.

Now I'm going to talk about how I came to love travel documentaries:

Two words; Michael Palin. My mom got my dad the book "Pole to Pole: With Michael Palin" for fathers day or something one year, sometime after I graduated high school. I don't really know why; dad had never seen the series, nor expressed a great love for travel documentaries, nor Michael Palin for that matter (although, I think everyone's love for Michael Palin is the kind of love that needn't be spoken). Anyway he got this book, and it just so happened that they had that series at the library. So we rented and watched the series and it was very interesting. It was the story of Michael Palin traveling with a camera crew from the North Pole to the South Pole. He goes through a big chunk of Russia and through a lot of Africa. One of the most interesting things about that series is that he travels through Russia, and gets out like 2 weeks before communism falls. It's pretty neat to see the last weeks of communism through the eyes of a traveler.
They had another of Michael's travel series called "Hemingway Adventures" at the library. I watched that one too and loved it. Then I discovered that both of these series were sequels to Palin's wildly popular first series, around the world in 80 days, in which he follows Philieus Fogg's path around the globe using mostly the same sort of methods employed by Fogg. He does use cars at some point though I think. Anyway, I downloaded that one and watched it and was amazed. So yeah. I love travel documentaries.

Here is a list of my favorite travel documentaries:

1. Long Way Round
2. Around the World in 80 Days
3. Pole to Pole
4. Long Way Down

Anyway... I'm done being boring for the night... well at least writing boring things. I'm going to bed.
5. Sahara

Thursday, February 21, 2008

More Icy Goodness

Hey, it's sleeting again and they closed SEMO again! It doesn't bother me so much this time, because I'm not actually missing class. I actually like class this semester.

Speaking of class: Yesterday in Intermediate Film Production we played with lighting. I hate lighting. I hate trying to set up lights in a shot. It's a crapshoot, it takes a long time, and the effect of multiple lights, although noticeable, becomes less so the more you add, and we had to set up a shot with four lights yesterday (which is about two more than were necessary for the shot, and one more than what's necessary for something called "three point lighting", which is a pretty basic lighting technique). Anyway lighting... yeah.... don't like it.

I have a job. I've worked one night so far (my second night is tonight). It wasn't too bad. The work isn't hard. It was fun to work with Matthew, although that's not going happen every night. I was just working with him while I was training. But he'll still be there, so that's cool. I really need to find a second job. That is something that needs to happen next week or sooner. I might apply at Food Giant if they are still hiring.

Is Semi-Pro rated R? I think it is, which is exciting. Everyone else in that group has been doing R rated comedies, I'm interested to see how Will Ferrell does without the restrictions of PG-13. It doesn't come out till next week though, so I have one more week to wait.

It's been a couple of months since I heard from Jimmy. I've e-mailed him a couple of times but have gotten no response. I think I might call him this weekend to see what he's up to.

Ok off to bathe.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Math-acre?

What's up internet? Oh really? I'm sorry to hear that. (I'm pretty sure I've used this joke before)

Anyway. It's Valentine's day, which means absolutely nothing to me, nor should it to any sensible human being.

Were you aware that there was an apocalypse of Ice and Frozen Death earlier this week in Missouri? Because there was. There was a lot of Ice (proper noun) on the ground. It got here on Monday and some of it's still here. It made traveling pretty ridiculous. It made me not have class all week (which will make this an 11 day weekend by the time I have school again, Monday). So Matt, you ask, what have you done with these 11 days off you've had. Nothing. Well... that's not entirely true. I did some baking. I started writing Trivia Night questions for next year. I edited (badly) my B-roll project. I got a job. WHAT!? What's that you say? You have a job?

Yes. I have a job. I start at Kohl's tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I told you this, but I probably didn't know for certain at that point, well now I know for certain that I will be employed at Kohl's doing Ad Set with Matthew, and perhaps working on unloading trucks. Yippee!

What didn't I do over this extended break from school is homework. None of it. I really need to be writing a whole lot more than I am. Especially journal entries. I'm like 3 weeks behind in that department.

Anyhoo... I'm probably going to do a ridiculous amount of sleeping pretty soon, so I have to get ready for that.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trivia night: Success!

The Notre Dame Trivia Night was last night. It went pretty well. My category was very well liked... by me anyway. I'm in charge of the questions for next year, which is exciting.

In other news, I think I have a job. If I pass that drug test I took on Friday, which is more than likely, then I'll be offered a job at Kohl's doing Ad Set with Matthew. It'll be fun to work with Matthew, but my concern with the job is getting enough hours. Matthew works 3 maybe 4 days a week, for like 5 or 6 hours at a time. I'd really like to work 30 or so hours a week, but any job is better than no job.

Also, I am really good at sleeping.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sick and Tired

It's almost 2 in the morning, why am I not asleep? I'll tell you, because I'm awake, that's why.

I was a little sick earlier, but feel much better after taking a single aspirin. Medicine is magic.

I am still unemployed. This sucks. I really need a job. This is getting ridiculous.

In other news, Lent starts tomorrow, or today if I'm being accurate. This year I'm giving up soda and fast food... well fast food that's fried. It's sort of a vague resolution but I have a pretty clear idea of what I won't be eating for the next 40 days or so. In other news, I still don't have a job, and it still sucks (yes, I realize I just typed that like 4 lines up, but I'm restating it to emphasize the suckiness). Starting Friday I will officially be desperate for a job and will apply to restaurants. *shudder*.

Also John McCain is probably going to be the Republican candidate for president and Hilary Clinton is probably going to be the Democratic candidate. This makes me sad. I don't won't McCain to president, but I don't want Hilary to be president either.

This is becoming the most boring post ever written so I'm going to end it now before I start talking about something else that's really boring.