Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Matt Buchheit, you magnificent/old bastard!

Matt Buchheit will be 23 in about half an hour.

Droib gave me his hated light fixture as a "birthday present". I don't really know where to put them. I could put them over the bed, but they are going to need some wiring done to them to make them usuable. I like to put them in front of the window, but I don't think that's doable cause there aren't any outlets over there. Hmmm....

That's all for this week's episode of Matt Essner's Decoration Chat. Join us next week, or you will pay.

What have I done since last I posted. I gave blood. Well technically I gave plasma and platelettes. There was some blood in there too I suppose. I bought Star Wars Battlefront 2. I played it. A lot. I worked. I ran. I haven't seen Superman Returns yet. I've heard it's good. I've also heard that they had to alter Brandon Routh's package because it was too distracting.

Ok, other things: Earthsea was good. Did I say that yet? It was. The Spiderman 3 trailer is sort of underwhelming. Futurama, Venture Brothers, Home Movies and the Office are all enjoyable. Crash was ok. Everyone else seemed really down on it. It wasn't an amazing film but it had some really good performances. My new Green/Black deck will eat your children and you will thank it for the kindness. This is the latest I've stayed up all week. It is 11:45 pm.

I'm supposed to play in a Dodgeball Tournament this weekend. Saturday, specifically. Adam from work is one of the organizers and Jimmy and I are supposed to be on his team. I have a feeling Jimmy won't show up though. I don't know why, but I get that feeling. Maybe he's a little too old to play dodgeball with people in their early 20's. He's in his late 20's for god's sake! Come on! (with club sauce)

Ten minutes till Matt Buchhet's birthday. I don't want to see tomorrow for 7 hours or so. I'm going to sleep.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

DVD's of some importance

Apparently News Radio season 4 came out on DVD this week.
Some other upcoming DVD's of TV shows that I'm stoked about:

July 11: Reno 911 Season 3 (finally)
July 18: Adventures of Brisco County Jr AND Jack of All Trades (I'm prolly not going to buy these, but I'll enjoy them when Ben does)
August 29: ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT SEASON THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Tick (animated) and Tale Spin (which are two of the handful of cartoons I watched as a kid that I would probably still enjoy now, the others include, but are not limited to, Eek the Cat/Terrible Thunder Lizards, and Animaniacs)
September 26: My Name is Earl (apparently they shot a DVD exclusive episode for this release)

I didn't notice a release date for The Office: Season 2, but I still need to pick up the first season.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tribute to my friends that were born today:

The Big Guy

There was a man named Spants
Who lacked the skill to dance
till he bought some new socks
and some music that rocks
and put on some bellbottom pants

Once Upon a time there were two boys named Pete and Steve. They lived in a place called Cairo Illinois with their parents, Mary-Helen and Pete and Steve's Dad. Things were going great until the Necromancer showed up. That guys is a total D-bag. Anyway some crazy shit happened after he showed up, but I'm not going to tell you about it, except to say that this was some of the crazy-awsome-est shit to ever happen, ever, I am going to tell you about Fringle Skipplehop's really boring trip to the store. He went to the store. He bought some tic-tacs and a cup of store-brand vanilla yogurt. By the time he got to Pete and Steve's house everyone had left to go to the crypt of eternal suffering, which was also really awesome. Anyway, Fringle watched "The Animal" on comedy central. Later he would tell people he watched it because "there was nothing else on" but really there was plenty of other stuff on. I think there was a Bond marathon on A&E or something. That would've been hella better than "The Animal". So Pete and Steve went to college and became doctors and lawyers and had a bunch of babies with two totally smoking hot chicks who were also lawyers and doctors. It was a pretty crazy day. The End

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Because of the shoes.

I've never started a Blog title with a B, until now.

Not much has happened lately, which is why I haven't been posting much. Yesterday I had to get a new tire for my car. This is the fourth tire I've replaced on my car since I've had it, so they're all fairly new. I'm almost done with the first Earthsea novel. I was going to finish it last night, but I fell asleep at a ridiculously early 10 pm. I think I'd miss staying up late more if my friends did stuff on weeknights, but we really don't. Everyone works in the morning now, except for Matthew and Jonathon, well Matthew does sometimes, but it's the other part of morning. The part I don't see anymore.

Guster's new album comes out today. I've listened to it a couple of more times. It's an ok album, just not what I was expecting.

I didn't go for a run this morning cause it's too hot. I think I'm going to have to start running at night.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Trick implies that we have a playful relationship

So Jay comes up to me and says, "Well it turns out we're not going to move until July." Tentatively scheduled for July 22, 2006, the CMS move is going to be an event to remember.

My jogging experiment is going really well. The key is that I sort of do it spontaneously, so that I'm unable to come up with an excuse not to.

I've gone out to eat entirely too much this week.

Ok, I'm going to take a shower.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

This post is about Me.

I e-mailed Dr. Hill. Did I already tell you that? He hasn't e-mailed back yet.

Today I went on a tour of the old seminary/future river campus. It brought back some memories. My uncle Kevin came down for the tour because he went to school there (it was a seminary high school when it closed in 79, he went to school there frm 76 till 79). Two other St. Vincent Seminary alums were there, Fr. Charlie and Mr. Koehler. After the high school closed down it was the vocation center for the vincentians in the Springfield/Cape diocese. I'm not sure what that means, but part of it's function as a vocation center allowed it to be used as a TV studio for a local access Catholic TV program that my mother produced and hosted. It was during the period that I spent a lot of time there. I don't remember much of that period mostly because it was 16-17 years ago, but the memories I do have are vivid.

My running experiment is going well.

I can't think of anything interesting to say, goodnight.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm not going to write about how tired I am

We played Arkham Horror tonight. We totally illegally summoned the elder god, and totally sort of kicked his ass.

What am I going to do this weekend? I have no idea. It's sort of nice, not having any sort of obligations. Next week starts the CMS moving process. I'm going to get a lot of hours. Yippee.

I should buy some shorts this weekend. That's what I'll do.

OH! I e-mailed Dr. Hill. He hasn't e-mailed me back yet, but it's only been a couple of days. I'll prolly wait a week or so, then I'll seek out another means of class applying.

Ok. That's all.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

In the Time of Chimpanzees, I was.

A Monkey.

So Guster is streaming their album for free at I'm glad I listened to it there instead of buying it. Guster really wants to be famous. They want to be Matchbox 20 famous. They want 13 year old girls to mob them when they go to buy laundry detergent, or pick up a couple of shirts at American Eagle. Ganging Up on the Sun is their desperate cry for mainstream attention and it's not very good. Well it might be good, but I don't like it. It's not what I want to hear when I listen to Guster. It's one thing to evolve as musicians, but this album is not a change for the better. This album is a marginalization of a mediocre band that used to have a great sound. I was hoping that under the guidance of Joe, Guster would change into something great but alas greatness is not what's in the cards for the Gusters. Adam is hardly on the album at all. Ryan's lyrics are just getting cheesier and more cliche. There are a couple of brightspots on the album. There are about 5 songs that don't suck on the album. I don't remember all of them, but I'm sure that you will figure it out, if you choose to listen to the album.

Beck is cool.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sweeps Week Part 4: A Mysterious Ending

Previously on "Matt Essner: Philosopher in training"

Ernest: Are you sure this is the right key?
Hamilton: I'm pretty sure. Is it not working?
Ernest: It doesn't appear to be working.
Hamilton: Oh, no. That's not the right key, use the one with the round head.
Ernest: Oh, ok. There it goes. *opens the door* Here we are. Did Beverly call yet?
Hamilton: No. He doesn't get off work till 9 anyway. We've probably got an hour or so to kill. Wanna play some tennis?
Ernest: Sure *They sit down on the couch*
Hamilton: *Handing Ernest a controller* Did you see what Lucas was doing last night?
Ernest: No, but I heard about it. I'm suprised he could hold it that long.
Hamilton: Yeah. The sad thing is that he probably spent a ridiculous amount of time practicing that at home.
Ernest: Yeah. Hey, I'm going to get a soda, you want one?
Hamilton: No. I'm fine.
Ernest: Ok, you set the game up, I'll be right back.
Hamilton: You want to do one on one or team.
Ernest: *sitting down* Let's do one on one.
Hamilton: Cool.
*they sit relatively silently and play tennis for an hour*
Ernest: It's after nine. He should be done by now.
Hamilton: Yeah. I think I'm going to call him. *he pulls out his phone, dials* It's ringing. Beverly, what's going, me and Ern are over here.... your place.... ok, cool. Alright, man. See you then. He's on his way here. He just had to stop by the store to pick something up.
Ernest: What did he have to get?
Hamilton: I don't know.

So, here it is, the last day of sweeps week. It's been quite an adventure hasn't it. I mean, I've been on the edge of my seat since day 1. Biting my nails. Holding my breath. Layering the kickstand.

I had two meals of pizza today. Carbondale with Pete and Steve rocked. Carbondale is pretty cool. They have a bitching game store, a bitching comic store, and a highly decent record store. Beat that Cape Girardeau.
Our kitchen is functional again.
Buchheit and I walked home from downtown. It took about an hour, but it was time well spent. Honestly it didn't feel like it took an hour. It was very nice outside. It was a very pleasant evening.
Ok this week I'm going to sign up for classes. Our, at the very least, talk to an adviser. That's my goal.

I feel like I should rant about something. Hmm... ok. I thought of something. People spend too much money on bottled water. There it is. That's it. Well I think I'm going to go to bed now. Yup, just going to hit the sack, catch some Z's.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sweeps Week Part 3: A mysterious Guest

I watched Jarhead. It's good. I liked it. Work sucked the last two nights, but you knew that because it's the begining of the month. You guys are so smart.

Ok, since it's sweeps week I have a special guest blogger. You might remember him from Back to the Future, as Lorraine's little brother Milton (and if you don't just pipe down and show some fucking respect, this guy is a hell of a lot more famous than any of you will ever be) Jason Hervey!

Hello. I'm Jason Hervey. Today I bought some new laundry detergent. The store brand was giving me a rash or something... at least I think it was the detergent. I don't know. I got some new detergent, and hopefully that will make the rash go away. Let's see, Stacie's coming in from Dallas tomorrow. I'm going to meet her kids. The thing about Stacie is that, I mean the sex is amazing, totally off the charts, but you know, she has all this baggage. She's got two kids (you wouldn't know it from looking at her though, damn) and she's always going on about what a jerk her ex is. It's usually meant as a compliment but seriously... get over it. She's always like "Oh, you brought me soup, Todd would never bring me soup," or "Todd never helped with the dishes" or "Todd never brought me to orgasm". I get it. I'm better than Todd. I'm better than most guys. I'm not bragging. I just stating a fact. I am a great catch. So that leads me to my question. Do I stick with Stacie, or try to find someone with a little less history. I don't know... whatever I do, I'll decide after this weekend. Never break up with someone in front of their kids. It's just a shitty thing to do. Alright, I have to go walk Kody. Peace.

Wow. That was incredibly lame. I thought he was going to say something cool. Or at least mildly entertaining. That sucked. Oh well. There's always tomorrow, or IS there? You'll just have to stay tuned and find out!

(Way to go Matt, you got them hooked with that last line. There's no one anyway could resist checking in tomorrow to see if you've posted again. "I Know.")