Friday, June 02, 2006

Sweeps Week Part 3: A mysterious Guest

I watched Jarhead. It's good. I liked it. Work sucked the last two nights, but you knew that because it's the begining of the month. You guys are so smart.

Ok, since it's sweeps week I have a special guest blogger. You might remember him from Back to the Future, as Lorraine's little brother Milton (and if you don't just pipe down and show some fucking respect, this guy is a hell of a lot more famous than any of you will ever be) Jason Hervey!

Hello. I'm Jason Hervey. Today I bought some new laundry detergent. The store brand was giving me a rash or something... at least I think it was the detergent. I don't know. I got some new detergent, and hopefully that will make the rash go away. Let's see, Stacie's coming in from Dallas tomorrow. I'm going to meet her kids. The thing about Stacie is that, I mean the sex is amazing, totally off the charts, but you know, she has all this baggage. She's got two kids (you wouldn't know it from looking at her though, damn) and she's always going on about what a jerk her ex is. It's usually meant as a compliment but seriously... get over it. She's always like "Oh, you brought me soup, Todd would never bring me soup," or "Todd never helped with the dishes" or "Todd never brought me to orgasm". I get it. I'm better than Todd. I'm better than most guys. I'm not bragging. I just stating a fact. I am a great catch. So that leads me to my question. Do I stick with Stacie, or try to find someone with a little less history. I don't know... whatever I do, I'll decide after this weekend. Never break up with someone in front of their kids. It's just a shitty thing to do. Alright, I have to go walk Kody. Peace.

Wow. That was incredibly lame. I thought he was going to say something cool. Or at least mildly entertaining. That sucked. Oh well. There's always tomorrow, or IS there? You'll just have to stay tuned and find out!

(Way to go Matt, you got them hooked with that last line. There's no one anyway could resist checking in tomorrow to see if you've posted again. "I Know.")

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