Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's been a while blog! Sorry I've been busy... doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That's not entirely true. I've worked a lot. I went to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago. But other than that nothing worth mentioning. No new books. No good movies (or bad ones for that matter). No new music. I think my life is becoming more boring the longer I live it, which seems to be the case for most people. I need some adventure. Maybe I should become a pirate... not like Droib, though. An actual pirate.


Here's a list of things you will probably never here me say without irony:

1. You know what this pizza needs? More olives!

2. Wow Justin Spaeth, that was so witty. You are so clever.

3. I'm so tired of Halloween.

4. I need more crocs.

5. Let's go see that new staging of (insert any Shakespeare play).

6. The Beatles are so overrated.

7. Looks like I'll be staying in tonight; there's a Glee marathon on.

8. No, I don't think I would like a Twizzler.

9. Let's go people-watch!

10. Man, that (insert Athlete) really got (hosed, robbed, lucky, etc...) in that (sport jargon), am I right?

So there, I posted. You're welcome.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hey look! Matt's writing about Scott Pilgrim again!

I'm sure by now you've seen the new Scott Pilgrim trailer. If not, stop what you're doing right now and watch it. Here I'll link it for you.

So obviously, the trailer looks awesome. I'm super excited about the movie, it looks really good, blah blah blah, insert some generic hyperbolic statement where I equate severe head/facial trauma to goodness, etc, etc, etc.

Despite making me want to see the movie muchly, the trailer has made me do a lot of thinking about Ramona V. Flowers as a person. For the record Ramona Flowers is not a real person, but as I make little distinction between real people and fictional people (I classify both groups of people into the category of "people who are not me") I have no problems spending ridiculous amounts of time trying to figure her out. More specifically, whether or not Ramona is a good girlfriend.

I'm going to start with my conclusion and work my way backwards from their. I will warn you, Pete, who, let's face it, is probably the only person still reading this at this point, I haven't read the books in a little over a year, so I don't have a lot of specific references to make, and the ones I do have will most certainly be wrong.

So simply, No. Ramona is not a good girlfriend. At least not for Scott Pilgrim. Ramona is Scott Pilgrim's dream girl (literally and metaphorically). She represents Scott Pilgrim's ideal woman; She's cooler than him, but doesn't mind, smarter than him but only because she's lived a more "storied" life, she's attractive, a good fighter, and an American Citizen (which I assume is what all Canadians look for in a potential mate). She is pretty much better than Scott in every way except for her baggage, which in this case is 7 evil exes. She likes Scott because he's adorable and he likes her, loves her even, despite her baggage, but she still pushes him away at times. I'm not really sure why she does this, probably because Scott can be clingy at times and she likes the fact that she has parts of her life that Scott isn't a part of and resents the fact that he's insinuating himself into her life, regardless of what she wants, but I might just be reading something that isn't there in that regard. I get the feeling that when the conflict is gone, when there is no one to fight for Ramona's attention, Scott will feel a lot less compelled to be with Ramona, although at that point, the comic will be over, so it doesn't really matter. For some reason the idea of Scott and Ramona getting together at the end and living happily ever after just seems like kind of a letdown as well as being unrealistic (I may be taken to task for trying to look for realism in a story where people fight each other with flaming swords and giant Anime Mallets, but the emotional content in the Scott Pilgrim series has always been incredibly authentic). So I guess what I'm saying is, Scott should dump Ramona and marry Kim Pines. The End.