Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's been a while blog! Sorry I've been busy... doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That's not entirely true. I've worked a lot. I went to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago. But other than that nothing worth mentioning. No new books. No good movies (or bad ones for that matter). No new music. I think my life is becoming more boring the longer I live it, which seems to be the case for most people. I need some adventure. Maybe I should become a pirate... not like Droib, though. An actual pirate.


Here's a list of things you will probably never here me say without irony:

1. You know what this pizza needs? More olives!

2. Wow Justin Spaeth, that was so witty. You are so clever.

3. I'm so tired of Halloween.

4. I need more crocs.

5. Let's go see that new staging of (insert any Shakespeare play).

6. The Beatles are so overrated.

7. Looks like I'll be staying in tonight; there's a Glee marathon on.

8. No, I don't think I would like a Twizzler.

9. Let's go people-watch!

10. Man, that (insert Athlete) really got (hosed, robbed, lucky, etc...) in that (sport jargon), am I right?

So there, I posted. You're welcome.

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