Thursday, July 28, 2005

Speaking of the Decemberists...

I heard Sixteen Military Wives on the radio yesterday. It was amazing.
I've been listening to The White Stripes a lot this week. I decided to listen to Picaresque today. It's a very good album. I like Busmall.

I bought Joe Wonderfalls for his birthday. He called me yesterday to tell me that he got it. I hope he likes it.

I'm going to watch Coffee and Cigarettes now.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

There is a road that meets the road that goes to my house

Today is my oldest brother's birthday. His name is Joe, he lives in California, he's a mechanical egineer for a defense contractor and he's a tool. Happy Birthday Joe!

I'm not trying to nap right now, cause I napped before lunch, just how I like it!

Yesterday I went to the funeral for my great aunt Maggie. She's my grandpa's youngest sister. I didn't really know her. My mom and her brothers did the music for the mass. All of my mom's brother's play guitar except Chris and Terrence. All of the ones that play are quite beastly at it. Roy is just a hoss, musically speaking (and on the Golf course too). The point is my mom's side of the family is just oozing musical ability, but I don't think any of it oozed onto me, or if it has, it hasn't manifested it in a way that I notice. I'm just plugging away at the guitar. It's fun, I just wish I was better. Maybe I should get some guitar books. I don't have any. It seems like people that play guitar have guitar books. They don't look at the books, they just have them. Maybe I need some of those.

Oh, I have a different car now. It's my aunt Betsy's old Sable. It's nice. The AC works.
I didn't go see Ben Folds and Weezer. I'm a nice guy. I stayed and worked. Yeah. I bought the White Stripes first album. It is, like every other White Stripes album I've heard, completely listenable. It's just good music.

I should watch Wonderfalls again before I let Layne and Shaladriel gank it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm getting better at sleeping

So this week I've been working so much, they've been sending me home early. I'm a hoss... or something. I don't always work super hard at work, but I make up for it by being awesome. I feel bad for Jimmy. No one at CMS works harder than Jimmy... well maybe Pat... no. Probably not. Jimmy is the mac-shit.

I'm thinking about going to the Weezer/Ben Folds show on friday... hmm... maybe... yes. I think I'm going to go to the Weezer/Ben Folds show on Friday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Giants, as usual rocked my face

I went to see They Might Be Giants yesterday. They are awesome. I got to talk to Danny Weinkauf after the show. He is a really cool guy. If you ever get the chance, talk to Danny Weinkauf, you won't be dissappointed. We talked about music and what other projects he's invovled with. He asked if I play (I assume he meant an instument), but I had to say not really. I would have liked to say "Yes, I play guitar" but I couldn't in, good conscience, lie to They Might Be Giants' bass player. Flans didn't come out after the show, but that's, he was a hoss on stage, he was probably tired.

I got my glasses. They're pretty indie. I also ganked lotsa music from Pete and Steve, including Skylarking. It is incredible. This is the same group that put out White Music?
I still want to listen to the White Stripes, I think I'd dig them...

I'm going to try to nap now.

All of my posts seem to end with me sleeping.... that's hawt

Monday, July 11, 2005

I have DSL now, or something

Tomorrow I'm going to St. Louis to go see They Might Be Giants. Yippee! We're going up there early to hit up the Zoo and stuff. The plan is not too specific at this point, which is good.

Here's a list of things that have happened since I last blogged:
My Glasses broke
Adam quit at Commerical Mail
I saw The Fantastic Four, Twice (just kidding, it sucks, I saw it once, don't watch it)
I got DSL

I did some major listening to Rufus Wainwright today, HUZZAH! He was trying to boost me out of my post Wonderfalls Funk. It didn't work, and I'll tell you why. I'm not sure I'm ready to be out of my funk. It's a pretty comfortable place to be. It's not really affecting me that much, other than my tendency to bring up Wonderfalls and how awesome it is... well it is affecting me, but not in ways anyone other than me would notice. I'm pretty much normal Matt, with a bit of funk. Here's some of the side effects of the funk:
1. Listening to a lot more XTC, I haven't really listened to XTC in a year or two. It's hit or miss with XTC, but when they hit they hit hard, and awesome.
2. I have a tendency to link People/Music/Movies/whatever or just generally drop Wonderfalls trivia on unsuspecting people. For instance, did you know that William Sadler, Wonderfalls's Darrin Tyler, was the Grim Reaper in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey?
3. I am saddened by Canada and Canadian things. Like at work, when I see an envelope going to Canada I get a little bit sad, which in and of itself is extremely sad, like the pathetic kind of sad.

Anyway, i'm going to bed.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I feel like I should post.

So I finished Wonderfalls this afternoon, and as often occurs when I finish a series of some sort, I'm depressed, not hegs depressed, not whoa is me depressed, just a little down. There's something of an emotional void that has appeared within me. I'm trying to figure out why I'm so blue about it. This time it's more severe than with Firefly. I think one of the reasons is I actually watched this one when it was on TV (all four of the episodes that aired, every time they aired). It's a good show. I'm going to buy the DVD's, maybe if they sell enough of the DVD's they'll make a Wonderfalls movie. That would rule, and possibly rock.

Adam's quitting at work. He's got some sort of electriciany job lined up. Wednesday is officially his last day, but he says Friday (tomorrow) is going to be his last day. He also left early today to kill his ex-wife. We'll see how that turns out tomorrow.

Well little blog, I need sleep. Goodnight

Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm finally listening to Make Believe

I've had this album on my copmuter for almost two months, and I haven't listened to it yet. I figure I should aquaint myself with the new weez stuff if I'm going to see them later this month. I'm liking what I'm hearing, but I'm only two tracks in. I'm definately hearing a little New Wavish sound in a couple of the new stuff...

So recently I've been thinking about something rather meta (as usual); Pretty People. I got started on this line of thinking because of something that happened at work... something that happened before I was hired. Apparently there used to be a very pretty girl that worked in the office at CMS, but she quit because she was getting all kinds of trouble from the wives of my bosses. Apparently my bosses' wives didn't want their men working with a pretty, young girl. They found her threatening I suppose. I never met the girl but her name was Katie, probably still is. Anyway, this led me to think about the difficulties of being a pretty person, or lack there of. Is this sort of anti-pretty sentiment common? Is it just with women? As a person that is neither pretty nor a woman, I can't answer these questions. I personally have no natural aversion to pretty people. I'm not threatened by them. Anyway, if there are any pretty people reading this, and you know who you are (At least, I assume you'd know if you're pretty. I'm almost certain you'd know, I mean, you'd have to. Yeah you'd know.), please tell me if you've ever felt discriminated against because of how you look.

So, last week sucked at work. Work itself wasn't too bad, but the amount was pretty ridiculous. This week should be better. Happy fourth of July