Friday, April 28, 2006

Revenge of the Sith

I just watched Episode 3 again... it'd been a while. It's not as good as any of the originals, but still the best of the prequels.

Here's a trivia question for you....

Who's older: Ian McDiarmad or Harrison Ford? That's right, Harrison Ford. Han Solo is 2 years older than Emperor Palpatine. That's movie magic for you.

Speaking of Magic, Matthew should be getting his new decks built tomorrow, which means we'll be playing some hardcore constructed. Huzzah. I've tinkered with some of my old decks. I tried to make a new one, but I couldn't make it work. Anyway... Magic... Hells yeah.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another Post About "Spaced"

The torrent of Spaced I dled is apparently ripped from the super special edition DVD release. There's this bitching documentary included. I've decided that I will see Mission Impossible 3 and the only reason I will be seeing it is because of Mr. Simon Pegg. Other than that though, there aren't any movies coming out that I want to see until X-men 3 and then after that nothing till Pirates 2. Oh well.

The prerelease is tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked. Magic Tournaments are a lot of fun, if a tad lenghty.

I'm watching Episode 4 of series one right now. No grown man can cry like Simon Pegg. Nick Frost probably has the third best mustache in television history.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Space Cowboy

I just got done watching "Spaced". All of it. It's a brilliant show. If you like Shaun of the Dead but you thought it wasn't geeky enough, you'll like Spaced. There's also an episode that features a B&S song. That was a pretty cool moment.

I was going to do stuff last night, but Spaced got in the way. I still plan to clean up Ben's room while he's gone. Dad and I are going to do something to the kitchen. Sunday is the Prerelease. Yup.

There's a new guy at work. It's gonna suck without Stu.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Red Pants Day

Today is Red Pants Day.

I just finished watching Return of the Jedi. I watched New Hope and Empire last week. Jedi is by far the weakest of the original trilogy. You can definately tell that the person who made Jedi was very much responsible for the Prequels. I would also say that Jedi benefits most from the DVD upgrades... well if you ignore the whole "Jedi Rocks" musical number, which is not only incredibly lame, but poorly rendered and completely out of place. Jedi also features Harrison Ford's weakest performance in the trilogy. Empire is still amazing. It's by far the best of the original trilogy. And A New Hope... well it might just be my favorite movie of all time. It's so good.

Ben and Mom are going to California tomorrow to see Joe. I hope they have a good time.

What else... did I mention that it's Red Pants Day?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter Everybody!

Today is Easter Sunday. It's probably the hottest Easter Sunday in recent memory too. It's only 7 in the morning and it's already 60-something degrees outside. It's only going to get warmer.

My PS2 isn't working anymore. It'll play DVD's but it won't play games. It's sort of frustrating cause I just borrowed Kingdom Hearts 2 from Matthew, and I'm was just about done with the nearly 5 hours of prologue before the game actually starts. I'm just a little irritated about it.

Anyway to help you all celebrate the holiday here is a picture of Colin Meloy being awesome. I think you'll find it extremely appropriate.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's so Damn Hot.

I saw a commerical for a cooking show that is going to be on NBC. They were playing the song "You're so Damn Hot" in the background, but they were omitting the word damn. It was amusing.

I wasn't going to say anything cause I think it might jinx it, but my gameboy has been running for like 11 hours on one set of batteries. God love GBA. It's a hell of a system.

I was just checking out the Hot Fuz video diaries and completely forgot I was blogging. Anyway. Work is pretty easy this week. The Triduum is coming up and I think I'm going to stay in Cape for Easter. That's about it... for now.

I'm stoked cause tomorrow I start listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I sort of don't listen to it outside of the Triduum pretty much becauseI listen to it nonstop the three days before Easter.

Anyway I'm going to go to sleep cause I'm not Matthew and I don't gain any sort of satisfaction from being tired.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Yay The Shins

I really like Chutes too Narrow.

I'm drinking tea now. Earl Grey. Hot. With honey. I can't yet tell the difference between Earl Grey and English Breakfast yet, but one day I will and on that day you and everyone you know will begin a long and lenghty rue.

At work last night we were talking about movies. I used the term "Black People Movies" to describe "Phat Girlz". Then we started talking about whether or not there are "White People Movies" and listing examples of such films. All and all work blew chunks.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Life of a British Country Vet

James is all like "Oh Helen, I've got a little something for you," and then Helen is like "Oh James, you're wonderful." Then Tristian comes in and is like "I am so drunk. Hey James, I'm going to kiss your wife." Siegfried bursts in on the scene and says, "Ladies, ladies, ladies! I have a very well stocked liquor cabinet. SHABAM! Hey James, I'm going to kiss your wife!" Then every once in a while everyone is like "That Hitler... he's a real jerk." Then all the farmers are like "Got sick cow. Over by meadow. I don't use articles. James, gonna kiss your wife." Uh-oh, James is about to drop the hammer on this one farmer who was talking smack.

The most impressive thing about All Creatures Great and Small is the fact that the actors actually stick their hands up cows asses. They actually birth cows. They actually fall down in pig slop. You don't see those punks on the OC delivering cow babies. Those CSI blokes don't go around wallowing in pig shit.

The level I'm currently playing in Pharaoh has lasted two hours so far. I'm building a medium pyramid. Two hours of gameplay and it's 51% finished. You do the math.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Yesterday I lost a friend

Reeves died yesterday. RJ was my mom's friend Gina's service dog. He suffered a stroke sometime early Saturday afternoon and was put down sometime around 3pm. Gina and RJ lived with us for about a year. RJ didn't like storms, he didn't like thunder. When it would storm during the night Reeves would come upstairs (much to Mac's dismay) and wake me up, we would go downstairs and watch Monty Python until one of us fell asleep. RJ was diagnosed with a brain tumor last fall. The fact that he lived this long was some what of a suprise. Reeves was the best dog I have ever met and he will be missed.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Some Ominous News

Well kids, I'm pregnant. I don't know how this happened... well that's not true. I'm fairly well versed in methods of procreation. Anyway I'm in my second month. The baby is due in December. Actually it's due on Christmas day. So I guess what all of you are wondering is who's the father. Well there is only one man that could be the father of my child, and that is Matt Buchheit. I haven't told him yet, but I plan to do it a in a very private and careful way; skywriting.