Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Red Pants Day

Today is Red Pants Day.

I just finished watching Return of the Jedi. I watched New Hope and Empire last week. Jedi is by far the weakest of the original trilogy. You can definately tell that the person who made Jedi was very much responsible for the Prequels. I would also say that Jedi benefits most from the DVD upgrades... well if you ignore the whole "Jedi Rocks" musical number, which is not only incredibly lame, but poorly rendered and completely out of place. Jedi also features Harrison Ford's weakest performance in the trilogy. Empire is still amazing. It's by far the best of the original trilogy. And A New Hope... well it might just be my favorite movie of all time. It's so good.

Ben and Mom are going to California tomorrow to see Joe. I hope they have a good time.

What else... did I mention that it's Red Pants Day?

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