Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Attack of the Clones

I think I might buy a guitar this week. I don't own a guitar in the strictest sense of the word. I have access to my father's and the one Matthew stole from his ex-girlfriend, but I don't personally own one. Maybe I'll do it Saturday. I just have to not spend money till then. Hmm... This is all very confusing.

Yesterday was Memorial Day. I didn't have to work. That was nice. I will today though. No one told me when to come in today though... I'm afraid I'll be awoken at like 10 by a call from Earl asking me to come in. Such is life. YAY capitalism.

I want to be excited about Magic again. I think I will be by the time the Draft occurs. Magic is fun. I don't play it as much anymore, but I still enjoy it.

It is becoming harder and harder to resist reading Serenity spoilers. Everytime I go to Aint it cool news, there is a new review/spoiler up. Curses.

Damn it. I think Doughty is this weekend. I'll really have to not spend any money if I want to be a guitar and go see Doughty. Maybe this will be another really busy work week so I can obtain large amounts of money. I'll go to Shivelbines tomorrow or something and check prices... or something.

Goodnight, sweet blog.

Oh yeah, Attack of the Clones is a good movie. Not original Trilogy good, but I certainly enjoyed the majority of the movie upon my most recent viewing of it.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day and Stuff

It's memorial day. Which means I don't have to work. Huzzah!

Tonight me and the boys played some Risk, Clone Wars Style! It was fun. Bucket and I lost horribly the first game, and the second game we schooled Matthew and Droid in a considerable fashion, even with my lapses in attention.

Episode 3 is better the second time around. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy continues to be excellent well into the fourth viewing. I saw both movies with my brother Ben Jamin James this weekend, he enjoyed them both as well.

Tomorrow I play golf with my family. It should be an event.

In other news Pete said he wants us to write some songs and stuff. Jolly Good I say! I'm greatly looking forward to that happening. Though Spaeth and Matthew are most agreeable to write songs with, having another "musician" to help with the accompaniment will be grand. Grand I say.

PS: Speaking of Wissinger's I feel like I never do anything with Steve. Not that I don't like doing stuff with Pete, but both Wissingers are my good friends and it seems like when I'm going flying solo with one of them it's Petis. Maybe Steve secretely hates me... He did have several classes with Mr. Adam Cox. Hmmm... Could he have been corrupted by the VS. This will require some pondering...and perhaps a call to Mr. D Weinkauf.

PPS: I think I am going to start using more aeronautical metaphors in polite conservation. 10-4. Wings. Rudder?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It begins...

I have three ideas floating around in my head. I think about these things while I work, or drive, or am otherwise mentally unengaged.

The first is for my Tactics TV series. Live action, action/dramady. Ramnza beats ass, Mustadio shoots stuff and is funny, Agrias is Ramnza's love interest, filling out the primary cast are Rafa and Malak, Heaven and Hell knights disguised as a dancer and a bard. I'm trying to figure out if they're going to be brother and sister or husband and wife... how about both! I think they could just be good friends. Worker 8 will make an appearance toward the end of the first season, as will Cloud in a very special and forshadowy episode. There will be a hardcore battle of the bands episode with Rafa and Malak, light an acutal battle of the bands. The pilot will cover pretty much the first chapter of the game semi-closely, after that I'll be taking many a liberty with the story. Agrias isn't going to be in every episode. She's actually on the opposing side of the conflict Ramnza is involved in which has somethign to do with Delita and Ramnza's bastard brother Assbag... I mean Zalbag (he's such a dick).

The second idea

This started as an idea for a graphic novel or movie called "Three Days in Hell", it was about what Jesus did after he was crucified. It wasn't Sunday School stuff, it was interesting and not preachy. Anyway, I took a sort of side plot from that story and thought, hey I could make a series around it. Here's the premise: Suppose that all the mythological creatures/gods/heroes/monsters actually existed. They all were real, but then the one God came and exerted control on them all, the God, being God. Anyway, so God didn't just kill or dispose the others, he put them in Eden which is sort of like purgatory... it's complicated... Anyway that stuff isn't really that important because the meat of the series is Gaberiel and Micheal, the Archangels, going around and beating ass. Capturing escaped deities that flee into the real world or whatever. It would be set, for the most part in a contemporary setting, but would often involve flashbacks to earlier battles. It's really cool in my head. I'm sorry it sucks toast in words.

Idea three
Halloween game 2005. I started writing it today. It's going to be really good...hopefully. I still don't know who will be playing it. I do have a tentative cast list though. I haven't officially talked to anyone yet, but here's a little spoiler for y'all: Pete Wiss as Fr. Tom Shuler. That's all I will say on that matter... for now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Josh leaves. I'm still watching Firefly.

Josh-shwa essner leaves for Indiana tomorrow. I hope he does well up there, get's a good job, does well in school. Josh is a good guy, he just has bad luck some times. Good luck Josh!

Yesterday was the my second ever 8 hour day at Commercial Mail services. I prefer the 8 hour days that end at 8 to the ones that end at 10. I got to ride along on Adam's route. It was very educational. Adam is quite the philosopher in his own right. He also has very interesting insights into the opposite sex. I don't know if they are accurate, but they are certainly interesting. Anyway, Adam is a good person to know, and I'm glad I work with him.

I hope I get to see Jimmy again before he leaves to go both to NYC. I don't feel like we got to hang out much on Saturday when he came by.

Ummm...what else. My car has brakes now. That's pretty tasty. Tomorrow's wednesday (actually today is wednesday, but who's counting), all my friends are bowling. Maybe I'll go see Episode 3 again with Bob.


Monday, May 23, 2005

The Cat

Mac is my cat. She Rules. She's trying to keep me from bloggin' by being all like "I'm an adorable little cat thing. Look at me as I try to walk on your keyboard, aren't I cute? I'm pretty sure I am. You should pet me. Don't type. Hey look. Is this your shirt? I think I'm going to roll around on it and get hair all over it. Tee Hee!"

Tonight I took Ben up to St. Louis, then came home. It was fun. My cousin Josh and my good friend Justin Spaeth accompanied me and it was a most enjoyable trip. We listened to some nice tunes, talked some philosophy, just generally hung out. I don't hang out with Josh as much as I should. We'll hang out for like a week, then go six months without seeing each other. It probably has something to do with the fact that he lives in Indiana, and I live in Cape.

This week I'm going to look for another job. Maybe something where I'd just work weekends or something. Yeah. Weekends. Nice.

So I was at my cousins' graduation party this evening, and my cousin Aaron Jofuss Essner came up to me and said, "I saw your Heggeman's blog song. It was pretty neat, I couldn't understand it though." That was wild. (Plus I think it was a diss on Matthew cause he was the one singing, BURN!)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Jar Jar is the Key

Episode three is pretty good.

So when I say I'm going to post something later that day, or the next day, I don't. That's what happens. I say I'm going to post, then I don't. It's a little game I play. A game that only I win! MU ha ha ha!

Ben should be coming home tonight. He's coming home with my grandparents, who are up in St. Louis for my cousin Domo's birthday.

So I started this post about a half an hour ago, then I started looking at the Decemberists site. Then I went to take a shower, then I was like, oh yeah, I was bloggin. I tried watching Magnolia, but I'm too damn tired to watch it now. I got like five and a half hours of sleep last night. When Pete and/or (I'm not supposed to use the phrase "and/or" cause in logic "or" is inclusive so and/or is a redundant clause) Steve spend the night I usually don't get much sleep. We watched some Firefly. I'm really obsessed with that show now. THANK'S A LOT WISSINGERS! That was meant to be sincere. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in caps. Thanks a lot Wissingers! There, that's better.

I feel like I'm not really living up to my part of the music/movie/tv/book sharing with Pete and Steve. In the past month they've introduced me to a really great band and a really great, and really cancelled, TV show. The only new music I've really picked up recently is a certain Mr. Wainwright. The only new TV show I've watched is an old British nostalgia piece about pre-war country vetenarians. Maybe I should be more adventurous with my music finding.

Jimmy should be coming into town sometime soon. I'm not really sure when though. I should check the e-mail he sent me. I think I'll do that now and post this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A list of things that are on my desk.

On my computer desk are the following things, or, if you like, the following things are on my computer desk:

1. One desk of well shuffled playing cards; they've never been used to play cards, just for shuffling
2. Guitar Picks; 1 yellow, 3 black (the same color black as the top of my desk so they blend in and I can't see them), 1 white Thumb pick
3. The St. Benedict cross that my mom got me that I don't wear cause it hurts my neck.
4. Two Speakers.
5. A Rather large stack of CD's; Some games, some music, some data
6. Pikachu clock
7. Cup full of pens, knives, and a pezz dispenser
8. The white phone
9. A travel bottle of shampoo
10. Some pennies
11. Buddy Christ
12. A monitor
13. The One Ring.

There's other stuff too.

Today's my birthday. It's been a pretty good day so far. Joe is going to drink for me today, so I don't have to.

I've been thinking a lot about my ensemble cast fantadromedy tv show. It's based on Final Fantasy Tactics. I think about it when I want to think about something pleasant, which is fairly often. One of the things I enjoy about my job is the fact that it doesn't require too terribly much of me mentally. So I can go into my little writing room and my brain and write episodes for the show. I have a couple already planned out. The last episode of the first season is written in a way such that, if the show gets canceled, the ending would be appropriate as a series finally, which I like.

I think I'll write some more tonight. Matthew accused me of never posting anything. I'll show him. It is officially on.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Here's a post for today.

I finished watching Firefly this morning. It was around 1:30. I'm sad now. I'm sure this phenomenon isn't singular to me. When you finish reading a good book/watching a TV series you like, do you feel sad? Usually this only happens to me after the initial viewing/reading, but it has be known to reoccur upon second and third readings. Mostly with Harry Potter books. But yeah, Firefly is American Television at it's best. Pretty much all of the best of television (I know how odd the preceding phrase is, but I can't put it any other way) was shown, and cancelled by fox. That's right, the network that brought us "Who wants to marry a millionaire?", "The Simple Life", "Temptation Island", "The Swan", "Me and the Seven angry Primates"... you get the picture. Fox takes chances. Sometimes it doesn't succeed, but sometimes it does. And when it does you get shows like Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Family Guy, Arrested Development, The Tick, Cracking Up (Which had both Jason Schwartzman AND Zooey Deschanel), and of course Firefly.

I'm trying to find music to accompany my melancholy mood. It's not working.

One day, when I'm feeling like typing a whole bunch, I'll fill you in on my feeling towards fame and fandom. Right now, I'm going to bed. I have to go to a family reunion later, I figure I'll need sleep.

Here's a post I wrote for Thursday. My internet wasn't working. Here it is. I'm afraid it's not as relevant as it once was. I apologize.

I saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for the third time tonight. It's still awesome. I saw it with Pete and Brendan. They both enjoyed it.

In other, more interesting news, I'm into a new band. They're called the Decemberists. They are fairly good. They came to my attention via Pete Wissinger/Steve Wissinger via David "Kibbles" Kiblinger. This band is the latest in a long line of great bands recommended to me by the Wissinger duo; which includes but is not limited to Guster, Ben Kweller, Mike Doughty, The post trippy Beatle's music, and they are also responsible, though indirectly, for my Rufus Wainwright fascination.

To comment on this phenomona and whatever else he feels like is guest blogger Pete Wiss.

People say that they dont like Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy are either a) illiterate, or b) too loaded in the ass with jizz to enjoy much of anything....yeah...
The Decemberists deserve your attention...unfortunately, if you live in the armpit called Cape Girardeau, you can only find their most recent album(but buy it, its their best).
So Vin Deisel is gay...roll that one around in your head for a while...gross...and you thought he sucked before you knew he was a fudgepacker...hahaha
mandolins...yes or no? I say yesyesyes
Either Way...best song ever...if you get tired of that, go for rainy day...wow....so amazing...like a shit filled doughnut
if you want more of me, find my blog...i will give you one clue...my name is Pete Wissinger...good luck! there is a prize for the 1st matt essner fan to post a comment...the prize is a bucket of shoes (for your foyer) so you can be a big dog

That was Pete. It's now tomorrow. This post was started two hours ago. Pete and I have been jamming for that long. Actually I think jammin' might be a more appropriate word. Anyway Toodles!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers Day and such.

Today is Mother's Day. I got my mom a guitar stand, cause her guitar falls down sometimes at mass, some practice golf balls, cause she likes to golf, and The Phantom of the Opera; Special Edition, cause she like Phantom of the Opera. My mom is a really good guitar player by the way. She used to give guitar lessons. I tried to find her some spice racks, cause she said she wanted spice racks. I couldn't find any. I didn't look very hard.

This week is final's week. I should be studying for finals. Tomorrow is my easiest final. It's Early european civ. It's all matching. My theory for studying for matching tests is this: You don't know have to know all the terms, just enough to eliminate all the wrong answers. I really need to do well on my Ethics final, and I'd like to do well on my African Civilizations final. Like I said, I should be studying.

Today I went over to my Grandma Essner's house and hung out with my cousins. Three of my cousins are seniors in high school this year. They are the exact opposite of my friends that are seniors in high school this year. At least they have differing opinions. For one, I asked them how senior week went they said, "It was great" and "It was a lot of fun". Only two thirds of my senior cousins were there tonight though. My cousin Katie, who I lovingly refer to as "my dumbest cousin", was absent. I miss hanging out with Katie. Her brother Josh is coming home for a couple of weeks this summer. Becky said he should be in by Wednesday. He's living in Lafayette this summer, which is where he goes to school (Purdue Univeristy: "Go Boilermakers?"), and is in a fraternity. He seems to dig the frat life, as many people seem to do. Good for him, it's not my bag though.

I think if I really put my mind to it I continue this post for several more paragraphs. But I won't.
I will however start biking again this week.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Scat Factory

I really like the phrase Scat Factory. It's amazing. I'll have to use it somewhere. Maybe I'll open up a scat factory. I'll produce scat on assembly lines. I'll sit up in my office that overlooks the factory floor. Every once and a while, I'll come down, walk the floor, sample some scat, tweek the machines. I will have a secretray named Joan. She'll be a bookish girl of 20ish. She'll write little stories on scraps of paper when it's not very busy. They're mostly stories about bookish girls of 20ish being swept out of there boring lives by finely chiseled statuesqe men who exist only to make the lives of bookish girls of 20ish extremely pleasant. One day, however, she'll write a story about a horrifying monster that stalks and kills owners of scat factories. Coincedently, the day she writes that story, her boss will have played a practical joke on her involving some cow intestines and a bottle of pepsi one.

Work was not the cool tonight. It was in fact the least the cool this week. Hopefully tomorrow it will be better. What else... The Episode 3 game comes out tomorrow. Mothersday is Sunday. I'll post something interesting tomorrow, I promise.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The day I finished reading

Well I finished Dirk Gently, Wholistic Detective. I think I prefer Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul. DGWD doesn't really have a dramatic climax. The ending is almost sitcomy. But that's ok. Douglas Adams is still one of my favorite writers. You know who else I like; Roger Zelazeny. I don't know how to spell his name, but that doesn' t take anything away from his being dead. Roger Zelazany died in 1991, I think . Douglas Adams died in 2001, I htink. Coincedence? Probably not. The two events don't seem even remotely related... or do they....


Monday, May 02, 2005

Kablam! Mr. Jangly Change has left the building.

This weekend was about two things. Sleep and Douglas Adams.
Friday/Saturday= 9 hours of sleep 3 hours of Douglas Adams (2 for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and 1 for Dirk Gently Wholistic Detective)
Saturday/Sunday= 10.5 hours of sleep 1 hour of Douglas Adams

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, all I can say is Damn. Damn Damn, damn damn damn. Shadamn.
In case you can't tell, which is fairly understandable, I really like Hitchhiker's Guide. It owned.

So Family Guy started again tonight. It was funny. Not as funny as it was before it got canceled, but I have high expectations. Hopefully Seth MacFarlane will use American Dad for his Bush bashing and politcal humor, and keep Family Guy a platform for humorous obscure pop culture references.

I've decided that this post needs to be more centered around me. My opionions are taking up too much blog space. This blog should be an advertisement for me, Matt Essner.

I am awesome! I am the coolest. I rule.

Matthew and I didn't get to WOW this much this weekend. But that's ok, we don't need to WOW to have a good time. For those who don't know, WOW stands for World of Warcraft. It's an online RPG that we play. I bet you thought it was something dirty... well it is kindy dirty. But one should expect that kind of language on a battlefield. I mean come on, people are getting stabbed and stuff, of course the language will be a little colorful.

10 minutes pass...

Apparently I have more to say, because I've yet to post this. Um... let's see. Work is going to suck beyond suck tomorrow. I mean it. Suck. With a capital SU.

15 minutes pass...

So I'll type a sentence or two, go surf the internet, and then come back. I really should end this thing before it gets too huge... Ladies, you know what I'm talking about... I'm sorry. I don't even know what that mean. I'm just rambling now. I need to just post this.

10 minutes later...

Nope... still not posted. People have my blog linked from their blog. That's cool of them. I wish I knew how to link people. I don't though. I'm not what you would call "Blog Savy". I am also not what you would call "A Bowl of Cabbage".

Goodnight everybody!