Monday, May 02, 2005

Kablam! Mr. Jangly Change has left the building.

This weekend was about two things. Sleep and Douglas Adams.
Friday/Saturday= 9 hours of sleep 3 hours of Douglas Adams (2 for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and 1 for Dirk Gently Wholistic Detective)
Saturday/Sunday= 10.5 hours of sleep 1 hour of Douglas Adams

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, all I can say is Damn. Damn Damn, damn damn damn. Shadamn.
In case you can't tell, which is fairly understandable, I really like Hitchhiker's Guide. It owned.

So Family Guy started again tonight. It was funny. Not as funny as it was before it got canceled, but I have high expectations. Hopefully Seth MacFarlane will use American Dad for his Bush bashing and politcal humor, and keep Family Guy a platform for humorous obscure pop culture references.

I've decided that this post needs to be more centered around me. My opionions are taking up too much blog space. This blog should be an advertisement for me, Matt Essner.

I am awesome! I am the coolest. I rule.

Matthew and I didn't get to WOW this much this weekend. But that's ok, we don't need to WOW to have a good time. For those who don't know, WOW stands for World of Warcraft. It's an online RPG that we play. I bet you thought it was something dirty... well it is kindy dirty. But one should expect that kind of language on a battlefield. I mean come on, people are getting stabbed and stuff, of course the language will be a little colorful.

10 minutes pass...

Apparently I have more to say, because I've yet to post this. Um... let's see. Work is going to suck beyond suck tomorrow. I mean it. Suck. With a capital SU.

15 minutes pass...

So I'll type a sentence or two, go surf the internet, and then come back. I really should end this thing before it gets too huge... Ladies, you know what I'm talking about... I'm sorry. I don't even know what that mean. I'm just rambling now. I need to just post this.

10 minutes later...

Nope... still not posted. People have my blog linked from their blog. That's cool of them. I wish I knew how to link people. I don't though. I'm not what you would call "Blog Savy". I am also not what you would call "A Bowl of Cabbage".

Goodnight everybody!

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