Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Attack of the Clones

I think I might buy a guitar this week. I don't own a guitar in the strictest sense of the word. I have access to my father's and the one Matthew stole from his ex-girlfriend, but I don't personally own one. Maybe I'll do it Saturday. I just have to not spend money till then. Hmm... This is all very confusing.

Yesterday was Memorial Day. I didn't have to work. That was nice. I will today though. No one told me when to come in today though... I'm afraid I'll be awoken at like 10 by a call from Earl asking me to come in. Such is life. YAY capitalism.

I want to be excited about Magic again. I think I will be by the time the Draft occurs. Magic is fun. I don't play it as much anymore, but I still enjoy it.

It is becoming harder and harder to resist reading Serenity spoilers. Everytime I go to Aint it cool news, there is a new review/spoiler up. Curses.

Damn it. I think Doughty is this weekend. I'll really have to not spend any money if I want to be a guitar and go see Doughty. Maybe this will be another really busy work week so I can obtain large amounts of money. I'll go to Shivelbines tomorrow or something and check prices... or something.

Goodnight, sweet blog.

Oh yeah, Attack of the Clones is a good movie. Not original Trilogy good, but I certainly enjoyed the majority of the movie upon my most recent viewing of it.

1 comment:

Trey said...

You can buy an electric guitar, with a few minor scratches, guitar bag, a couple cables, and a 15 watt amp and picks from me. Price is going to be about $110. comment on my blog if you want to buy it.