Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A list of things that are on my desk.

On my computer desk are the following things, or, if you like, the following things are on my computer desk:

1. One desk of well shuffled playing cards; they've never been used to play cards, just for shuffling
2. Guitar Picks; 1 yellow, 3 black (the same color black as the top of my desk so they blend in and I can't see them), 1 white Thumb pick
3. The St. Benedict cross that my mom got me that I don't wear cause it hurts my neck.
4. Two Speakers.
5. A Rather large stack of CD's; Some games, some music, some data
6. Pikachu clock
7. Cup full of pens, knives, and a pezz dispenser
8. The white phone
9. A travel bottle of shampoo
10. Some pennies
11. Buddy Christ
12. A monitor
13. The One Ring.

There's other stuff too.

Today's my birthday. It's been a pretty good day so far. Joe is going to drink for me today, so I don't have to.

I've been thinking a lot about my ensemble cast fantadromedy tv show. It's based on Final Fantasy Tactics. I think about it when I want to think about something pleasant, which is fairly often. One of the things I enjoy about my job is the fact that it doesn't require too terribly much of me mentally. So I can go into my little writing room and my brain and write episodes for the show. I have a couple already planned out. The last episode of the first season is written in a way such that, if the show gets canceled, the ending would be appropriate as a series finally, which I like.

I think I'll write some more tonight. Matthew accused me of never posting anything. I'll show him. It is officially on.


Pete said...

sounds like an interesting show. I think my tv show would be a sitcom/documentary/reality/game show series about serial killers sharing an apartment with the care bears. Charlie Marz would do the soundtrack. What do ya think?

Matt Essner said...

Charlie Marz is da shit. I'm watching the Commentary to "War Stories" right now.