Sunday, November 27, 2005

Greetings ladies, my name is Joseph and I just rolled into town.

I really want to play magic today.

So Thanksgiving was fun. I spent the whole day with the Wells's and it was relatively painless.

School is careening out of control and will soon be done for a while. I need to figure out what I'm going to do. I really don't want to go to semo anymore, or college in general really. I need to figure that out and convince my parents... yeah.

I bought Arrested Development Season 2 yesterday... TWICE! They were selling it for $16 a pop. I figure I'll give the second one to Jimmy at work for christmas. He digs the show. He's a cool guy. I also bought this game called spellforce. It's intruiging. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Me and the Bucket are gonna play some UT. Dig it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Posting on a quiet tuesday afternoon.

I bought the first 2 seasons of News Radio. They are really good for being mid-nineties laugh track sit-coms, "they" meaning the first 2 seasons of News Radio. Of the 30 episodes 20 of them have commentary. I'm stoked. I'm a big commentary junkie.

ok in the news department... there is no news. I'm sorry. I'm a very boring person, not much happens to me.

In the sports department, there was no U-frisbee on Sunday. Bummer

um... I'm going to Stl tomorrow. Thursday I'ma going to Troy. Friday I'm coming home with ben. Hopefully at some point this weekend I'll meet up with Pete/Steve. That'd be coo.

I'm entirely too silly today. I'm sorry. Snoogans.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I just saw Goblet Of Fire

I need to see the movie again before I pass judgment on it but at first glance... it's pretty darn good... well goodish. I didn't like the amount of time they spent on the first task and the lack of time spent on the second task. But all in all, this movie is how a Harry Potter film should be. You can't cram all of a Harry Potter Book into 2 and a half hours, it would be foolish to try. The thing with book four, it's pretty obvious what needed to be in the movie, the tasks, the cup, the dance the end. This movie looked a lot different than it's predecessors. Lot's of interesting camera work, lots of fun spins and different kinds of shots. Lots of tight shots on faces... i don't know a lot about cinematography but I know I liked the cinematography of this film. I really liked how they shot this movie.

Anyway... what else have I done this week....
1. Purchased and beat Age of Empires 3
2. Watched Bewitched... it was ok.
Man... I haven't done anything worthwhile this week. I suck.

Ok I just cleaned the bathroom. It's almost 3am. I'm not tired so I decided to clean the bathroom... I'd have to do it tomorrow anyway. This is the worst post ever. Goodnight.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm listening to Pete and Steve's radio show... honest!

This weekend was awesome, as my weekends in St. Louis tend to be. I went to go see OKgo with my good friends peter and steven waslonger. Okgo rocked so hard. I was astounded. I like okgo a lot and I expected a good show, but they were amazing. The openers were mediocre... but you know... they were openers. The Giants always have good openers... except the one time when they didn't. Here's a list of Giants openers that rocked:
1. Tractenburg Slideshow Players
3. Atticus Fault
4. Okgo. nuff said.

Ones that didn't rock
1. Charlie Mars
2. Those two guys who opened for them the second time I saw them.

Holy Crap, I think Steve just made the VS warning call on the air. I hope he's ok.

Hey. I'm going to nap cause I'm playing fribee tonight.
Goo nigh

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I just watched Cold Mountain, what did you do?

I don't watch movies like I used to. I mean that in every sense possible... well maybe not every sense. I don't watch movies in the volume that I used to. I used to watch 5 or six movies a week. Now I average about 1. I think I pay more attention when I watch movies now though. Anyway, I liked Cold Mountain. The cast was the stuff of legend. With the likes of Mr. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Brendan Gleeson, Jude Law, Donald Sutherland, and Jack White this film had a powerhouse of talent.

What gosh... I have nothing to say tonight.
I finished Neverwhere. It only took me two years to read it. I rule. I also don't have anything to read right now. That's ok. I suck at reading anyway. Mini-review of Neverwhere: Richard Mayhew is a better, more interesting Fat Charlie Nancy. Neverwhere is a great novel. The characters are interesting and fresh. Anansi Boyz still sucks balls, It's the worst book I've read this year. If you're a Neil Gaiman fan, don't bother. If you've never heard of Neil Gaiman, you'd probably like Inanzi Boys, cause you don't know any better.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm no good to be around today.

I'm feeling contrary. I have this strange feeling that if I was around people, I know I would be an ass, so I'm avoiding human contact for the remainder of the day. Well except, I think I'm going to go to Hastings and maybe get something to eat, but other than that... Humans, stay away.

Hey, I saw an Underworld 2 preview when I went to see Doom (Yes, that doom). I want to see Underworld again. That's probably what I'm going to rent at Hastings.

I'm downloading the trial version of Flash right now. I have this delusion of making a web toon. I have a pretty good idea for the toon, I just don't have the means to bring it forth. So i'm going to try to learn flash, or some other animation program that is not $700. Either way, this web toon is something I think I can pull off, at least the writing part.

Ok, i'm off.

PS: It is too damn hot for November.

Also, my friend Layne needs a job, preferably in the food service industry, so if you can think of somewhere that wants to hire someone that is short, give Layne a call.

Friday, November 04, 2005

"In the Devil's Territory"; Sufjan Stevens

I don't like this convention for naming my blogposts. I'm not going to do it anymore.

I worked like a madman last week. To the tune of 38.7 hours. I used to get hours like that when I had a morning route. I'm a beast. I'm working tomorrow too. Here's the bummer. I don't work next friday, the 11. That means I don't get paid till Monday cause friday is normally payday.

Hey Matt, how did that history test you took today go? Well... I suppose it went ok. FOR AWESOME! But serioulsy I think I totally got a high C on this test I took today. Not bad for not reading the material or doing any sort of serious studying.

Hey Matt, what are you going to do after this semester. I have no idea. I'm sort of waiting to see what SEMO does to me. I'm guessing there will be some sort of acadmemic probation of something. If I stay, I'm definately swithing majors... maybe Mass Com? Maybe general studies? Who knows!?

I'm going to buy pants tomorrow. This is my solemn vow! At least three pairs of pants.
If this was a perfect world, tomorrow night, after dinner with the fam, me and the boys would get together, podcast, maybe watch a movie. Sunday I would work on that paper... *Ahem* and sunday night/afternoon, we would draft or something. I miss Magic.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Pregnant For the Last Time", Colin Meloy

Wow, this song rocks.

Hey there. I'm not going to bitch about work, but it sucked.

I've had a couple of interesting ideas for stories the last couple days. One's a story I've been working on for a while. I need to write these things down. Ideas are shit. That's what Hemingway said. I have not done much this week. Sunday I went to St Louis to take Ben back. That was fun. I met up with Pete and Steve and we ate at a haunted Arby's (which was, haunted though it was, better than the one in Cape)
Halloween was, as usual, a bit of a letdown. I don't know what I expect from Halloween. Just something I suppose. I want it to be different from every other night. It wasn't... I had to work, for one thing... I didn't see any trick or treaters. The problem is that Halloween is too short. The actual Halloween-ness lasts from nightfall till about 9ish. Which is about 4-5 hours... depending. Halloween should be three nights long. That is my decree.

Ok. I don't know what else to say. Goodnight.