Friday, November 04, 2005

"In the Devil's Territory"; Sufjan Stevens

I don't like this convention for naming my blogposts. I'm not going to do it anymore.

I worked like a madman last week. To the tune of 38.7 hours. I used to get hours like that when I had a morning route. I'm a beast. I'm working tomorrow too. Here's the bummer. I don't work next friday, the 11. That means I don't get paid till Monday cause friday is normally payday.

Hey Matt, how did that history test you took today go? Well... I suppose it went ok. FOR AWESOME! But serioulsy I think I totally got a high C on this test I took today. Not bad for not reading the material or doing any sort of serious studying.

Hey Matt, what are you going to do after this semester. I have no idea. I'm sort of waiting to see what SEMO does to me. I'm guessing there will be some sort of acadmemic probation of something. If I stay, I'm definately swithing majors... maybe Mass Com? Maybe general studies? Who knows!?

I'm going to buy pants tomorrow. This is my solemn vow! At least three pairs of pants.
If this was a perfect world, tomorrow night, after dinner with the fam, me and the boys would get together, podcast, maybe watch a movie. Sunday I would work on that paper... *Ahem* and sunday night/afternoon, we would draft or something. I miss Magic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bribing him away with concert tickets! SHAME! I was going to say that I'm totally work-less next weekend, so we should draft. But now you've given him a concert to go to. Just think about what you did.