Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Posting on a quiet tuesday afternoon.

I bought the first 2 seasons of News Radio. They are really good for being mid-nineties laugh track sit-coms, "they" meaning the first 2 seasons of News Radio. Of the 30 episodes 20 of them have commentary. I'm stoked. I'm a big commentary junkie.

ok in the news department... there is no news. I'm sorry. I'm a very boring person, not much happens to me.

In the sports department, there was no U-frisbee on Sunday. Bummer

um... I'm going to Stl tomorrow. Thursday I'ma going to Troy. Friday I'm coming home with ben. Hopefully at some point this weekend I'll meet up with Pete/Steve. That'd be coo.

I'm entirely too silly today. I'm sorry. Snoogans.


Scarlet Panda said...

Newsradio is the greatest sitcom ever made. The commentaries are awesome. Enjoy.

Pete said...

gimme a call. we're thinking about some hang out friday.