Thursday, July 07, 2005

I feel like I should post.

So I finished Wonderfalls this afternoon, and as often occurs when I finish a series of some sort, I'm depressed, not hegs depressed, not whoa is me depressed, just a little down. There's something of an emotional void that has appeared within me. I'm trying to figure out why I'm so blue about it. This time it's more severe than with Firefly. I think one of the reasons is I actually watched this one when it was on TV (all four of the episodes that aired, every time they aired). It's a good show. I'm going to buy the DVD's, maybe if they sell enough of the DVD's they'll make a Wonderfalls movie. That would rule, and possibly rock.

Adam's quitting at work. He's got some sort of electriciany job lined up. Wednesday is officially his last day, but he says Friday (tomorrow) is going to be his last day. He also left early today to kill his ex-wife. We'll see how that turns out tomorrow.

Well little blog, I need sleep. Goodnight

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