Tuesday, July 26, 2005

There is a road that meets the road that goes to my house

Today is my oldest brother's birthday. His name is Joe, he lives in California, he's a mechanical egineer for a defense contractor and he's a tool. Happy Birthday Joe!

I'm not trying to nap right now, cause I napped before lunch, just how I like it!

Yesterday I went to the funeral for my great aunt Maggie. She's my grandpa's youngest sister. I didn't really know her. My mom and her brothers did the music for the mass. All of my mom's brother's play guitar except Chris and Terrence. All of the ones that play are quite beastly at it. Roy is just a hoss, musically speaking (and on the Golf course too). The point is my mom's side of the family is just oozing musical ability, but I don't think any of it oozed onto me, or if it has, it hasn't manifested it in a way that I notice. I'm just plugging away at the guitar. It's fun, I just wish I was better. Maybe I should get some guitar books. I don't have any. It seems like people that play guitar have guitar books. They don't look at the books, they just have them. Maybe I need some of those.

Oh, I have a different car now. It's my aunt Betsy's old Sable. It's nice. The AC works.
I didn't go see Ben Folds and Weezer. I'm a nice guy. I stayed and worked. Yeah. I bought the White Stripes first album. It is, like every other White Stripes album I've heard, completely listenable. It's just good music.

I should watch Wonderfalls again before I let Layne and Shaladriel gank it.

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