Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sick and Tired

It's almost 2 in the morning, why am I not asleep? I'll tell you, because I'm awake, that's why.

I was a little sick earlier, but feel much better after taking a single aspirin. Medicine is magic.

I am still unemployed. This sucks. I really need a job. This is getting ridiculous.

In other news, Lent starts tomorrow, or today if I'm being accurate. This year I'm giving up soda and fast food... well fast food that's fried. It's sort of a vague resolution but I have a pretty clear idea of what I won't be eating for the next 40 days or so. In other news, I still don't have a job, and it still sucks (yes, I realize I just typed that like 4 lines up, but I'm restating it to emphasize the suckiness). Starting Friday I will officially be desperate for a job and will apply to restaurants. *shudder*.

Also John McCain is probably going to be the Republican candidate for president and Hilary Clinton is probably going to be the Democratic candidate. This makes me sad. I don't won't McCain to president, but I don't want Hilary to be president either.

This is becoming the most boring post ever written so I'm going to end it now before I start talking about something else that's really boring.

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