Saturday, October 15, 2005

You Never Give Me Your Money; The Beatles

We had a pseudo LAN party last night. It was fun, but it ended right as we were all hitting our LAN-stride.

There are a number of things I should be doing right now. I should be working on the game. I should be working on the research paper that's due the day before the game. I'm Bloggin, then I'm going to play Unreal or maybe Starcraft.... we'll see.

I'm not going to the Decemberist concert tomorrow. I don't feel too bad. It's really hard to justify going to the concert with all the stuff I should be doing/spending money on. I'm thinking about taking a break from WOW at least till the expansion comes out... unless the expansion is just late game content. Then I'll be annoyed.

Anyway, maybe I'll do something interesting today, and post about that later. That is all for now.

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