Monday, May 19, 2008

I heart Liz Lemon

Thirty Rock is the best show on television. The American Office is ok too.
The finale (of the Office) was pretty good. It wasn't a cliff hanger in any way. It made me not hate Kevin as much (i hate Kevin by the way).

Highlights from Prince Caspian:

Peter: We're back in Narnia, but everything is different.
Lucy: We've already lived at least one lifetime, but I'm still precocious and no one ever listens to me!
Susan: Look, some grownups in a boat, and one of them's holding a dwarf! Let's murder them!
Dwarf: Thanks for saving me.
Peter: No problem. That's what kings and queens of Narnia do.
Dwarf: You're not kings and queens of Narnia.
Peter: Oh yeah? Well fight my brother, then we'll see who's a king of Narnia.
Edmund: Grrr!

Centaur: Welcome Kings and Queens of Narnia. It is time for you to meet the army we have assembled, but first you must RUN THE CENTAUR GAUNTLET!!!

Aslan: So it turns out all you bad guys are all from Sicily, if you walk through this tree vagina you can go back to Italy.
*no one comes forward*
General: Well I guess I'll go.
Aslan: Cool, since you decided to go first, you'll have a good life back in Sicily. The rest of you poor bastards won't be so lucky.

I didn't like the movie, if you can't tell. It kind of sucked.

My birthday was fun. I got a DVD player, so that's one thing off my list of things to do this summer. I also got the third season of House from Josh, which is pretty awesome (even if David Morse's story arc goes on for WAY too long. It does have Patrick Fugit in it, which is nice)

Also I work 4 days this week, which is pretty cool. It's some hours. I need hours.

Let's see... what else.... Um today I was a really useful person... for about three hours. I stopped being useful about 1. Tomorrow will be better though. I think. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep and read some Ultimates comics (probably not in that order, but we'll see).

Friday, May 16, 2008

Quick one

I'm about to watch the season finale of the Office. I don't know what's going to happen but about 7 months ago I predicted that Jim was going to be leaving Dunder Mifflin by the end of the season. I still think that's a possibility. Obviously if Jim leaves, Pam is going to leave, and the last episode I watched pretty much said explicitly Pam is going to leave Dunder Mifflin. So yeah. Here I go.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Movies, The Office, Work and Summer Class? (Not necessarily in that order)

I saw Iron Man again today, it's still good. Forgetting Sara Marshall is good, Speed Racer is good. I'm going to go see Prince Caspian tomorrow, I hope it is good. (this paragraph brought to you by "Good": It's not comparative. It's not superlative. It's just good.)

I got a call yesterday morning from the communication department asking me if I still wanted to take a summer section of Comm Law. I said yes, so I'm taking that this summer and by this summer, I mean for the next four weeks. I have my first test tomorrow (technically I could take the test today, but I'm not going to because I'm not prepared, I've read the first of three chapters. It's pretty dense) Anyway this class is going to be crazy. Four weeks is not a lot of time for a class (it's an online class. I think I forgot to mention that).

So last night I worked till 2:30ish, I had today off and tomorrow I have to be at work at 6am for truck. Here's the problem with that. Since I worked so late last night,I slept till 11 this morning.To not be hella tired tomorrow I need to go to sleep by 11 at the latest (this didn't happen. It never happens). Working ad-set and truck completely sucks because it is hard to get a consistent sleeping pattern. Anyway, I work till 1 tomorrow and I have to take that test before midnight tomorrow, which shouldn't be a problem, but I need to make sure I have enough time to get through chapters 2 and 3.

Commence Office Talk:
For whatever reason I got back into the American Office (because I like the American Office and the season is almost over). I hadn't seen any episodes since they've been back from the writers strike
so I decided that I would catch up. So tonight I watched episodes 10 and 11 (9 wouldn't download but I saw part of it when it aired. I lied about not seeing any episodes since the strike). 10 wasn't great, there were a couple of sort of funny moments. It featured Kevin pretty prominently, which is something I don't really like in my episodes of the Office. It introduced some other members of the Scranton Business Park. Andy had some cartoon moments. All in all a pretty mediocre episode all around (except for Dwight, who continues to be the greatest person on television So on the original Office scale of goodness (which is a system I just now devised) I rate this episode a Big Keith.
This might seem like high praise, considering how funny Keith can be, but remember, the majority of the time, he is just kind of there. Plus when you think about every other member of the original British cast (except Dawn) everyone's awesome, so he's probably somewhere in the middle as far as awesomeness goes.

Episode 11:
This episode got a lot of work done plotwise that I assume would've taken place over several episodes if this season wasn't so short, but then again taking into account the American Office's complete lack of subtlety,probably not. It turns out Ryan is a coke-head and Jim and Pam are falling out of favor with the rest of the Office folk (which will factor in next season when they both leave the show to be on that Office Spin-off we've been hearing so nothing about). Dwight is still awesome. Michael is still really lame.
This episode gets a Roland.Whatever that means.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

End of the semester wrap-up

As of like 7:15 yesterday evening, I'm done with school for the Spring 2008 semester. This semester I made my first narrative shortfilm, my first real documentary, and my first "commercial". I'm pretty pleased with how all the projects turned out. I'm pretty sure I got all A's this semester... well I know I got A's in three of my classes, I don't know about my creative writing class yet, but I'm pretty sure I kicked its ass.

Goals for the summer:
1. Get another job (we've seen this one before)
2. Save money to pay for school in the fall (this one is more a corollary part 1)
3. Get a DVD player
4. Become a better guitar player (we've seen this one too!)
5. Run or Bike everyday or almost everyday
6. Eat better.
7. Sleep more.
8. Read books.
9. Punctuate more consistently

So Brian M called me tonight and he was like, "you want to do the 48 hour film festival?" And I was like, "Why the hell not?"
So Me, Brian, Shank, Nate and Rob D are probably going to do this film festival thing. The only problem I see with this group is that there is no defacto leader. We're all pretty much alpha dogs, lone wolves, tough as shit renegades who don't give a damn about anyone but ourselves. Not really though. I think Shank will probably end up directing. He has the most experience, we'll probably be using his camera and he fronted the money for the entry fee. Brian or I will write the script because we'll be the ones that complain the loudest if we don't get to. And everyone will probably act and be in the crew. It should be pretty exciting.

Also, in the good news category: I got a call from Pete Wiss the other day, and both he Steve have teaching jobs lined up for next fall (although Steven is still entertaining other offers), which is totally awesome. They finished college in 4 years and already have jobs, what a bunch of grown-ups. Speaking of grown-ups, Droib bought a house. It's true, I've seen it. It's pretty spiffy, except for the fact that it's in JACKSON!

Anyway, that's pretty much it for now.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Almost done with school!

Finals week is upon us. I had two finals, they were both one Monday. I got a 92 on one, I'll find out about the other one when I go talk to Jones tomorrow. I got my portfolio turned in today. Now all I have left is the documentary.

Oh, the Auteur film turned out really well. I had to reshoot everything I shot last Sunday, this Sunday because the audio was no good last Sunday. But the reshoot turned out really good, and the edit is pretty good too. It took all of my Monday to do. It was my first marathon Avid session. I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Also this song has been stuck in my head for the better part of a day. The first 20 seconds or so comprises the best intro in all of pop music (the rest is pretty good too). The video is pretty much amazing. With two semesters of film production classes under my belt, I could probably make something as good. It's pretty satisfying to know that even with thirty plus years of advances in video production technology, I'm still only about as good as a music video director circa 1977.

I need new shoes.