Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Welcome Back!

Hello blog. I'm back. At least for now.

I know it's been a while since I last blogged, and I'm sorry. Well not really. But I have some stuff I feel like I needed to get out of my system and I feel you are the best avenue to said system venting.

The primary reason I've come back to blog is because of a 17 year old English wizard that I have not and will never meet. Of course I'm talking about Harry Potter. I finished book 7 about four days ago, and I'll be honest, it's taken quite a toll on me. I haven't been sleeping well since I finished the book. I haven't been hungry since I finished the book. To put it succinctly I've been fairly depressed since I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
The book isn't terribly depressing in and of itself. A bunch of people die and it's kind of sad when they do, but this sadness is nothing compared to the intensely depressing realization that this is the last time I will get to visit Harry's world. Sure I can reread the books anytime I feel like it, but it will never be the same as it was the first time.
I really can't explain why I love the Harry Potter books so much. It could be the escapist element. I love the idea of being a student at Hogwarts. (I would be a Hufflepuff and I would think that the Gryffindors were all tools, but I'd be cool to Harry, even though he's totally a dick)
But then again, I've never really needed help from books to escape. I've always had a pretty vivid imagination. And really the fact that Harry Potter is so universally popular should make me hate it, because I'm something of a contrarian. But for some reason I love the books, even though there are admitedly bad at times (most of book 7). I sometimes wonder if I read the books for the first time now, as a 23 year old, instead of when I was 16 I would feel differently about them.
Anyway, I hope they make significant changes when they make a movie out of Deathly Hallows, like a lot less polyjuice potion. I hope they make Ron and Hermione's kiss something cool and significant. I hope they change the ending, the horrible, horrible ending.
So that's my first post in 4 months. Hopefully it won't be my last.

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