Saturday, November 01, 2008


So did October happen already? Where have I been? What have I been doing?
I'll tell you.

Not much really. I've been functioning at about 65% of normal awesomeness levels since the middle of September, and I'm not really sure why. I have a lot of shit to get done before the end of the semester and I just don't feel like doing it. I have to finish the screenplay for my short film (the second draft anyway), I need to do my multimodal project for advanced comp, I need to work on my writing journal for Advanced Creative Writing, as well as the revisions for the end of semester portfolio. I need to be keeping up to date with my after effects lessons, I need to figure out what I'm doing my discover Cape project on. I really don't know where my time goes. I certainly don't have anything to show for it.

So starting this tomorrow, I'm going to buckle down and spend at least an hour every night working on one of my many ridiculously huge projects that is due by the end of the semester.
Also, at least one day this week I vow not to go out to eat at all.

In other news, the last two episodes of the Office haven't pissed me off that much. Ok, that's not entirely true. I was pissed off a couple of times with Thursday night's episode. My newest thing to hate about the Office is the cold open, which for those of you who don't listen to DVD commentaries is the two minute or so segment before the title of a show. The cold open is usually a bit not related to the rest of the episode, it's usually a stand alone piece.

Anyway the reason I hate the cold open on the office is because it accentuates the jokes before plot strategy of the American Office. The show is 22 minutes long (21 after the theme song), and they spend 2 or more minutes setting up and executing a joke (or a series of jokes) that serve no purpose to the narrative thread of the episode. I don't know why this bothers me, because the "drama" of the show has been pretty lame this season (except the Dwight v. Andy stuff that's been going on). One of the reaons I liked the original series, and the first couple of seasons of the American show, is because it was a comedy, but it was a comedy with realistic characters with realistic problems. It sounds cliche, but I liked it because it had heart.

The conflicts this season (the multi-episode, seasonal conflicts) have been pretty lame. Pam moved to another city and has fun with her new friends, while Jim stays at work. Is that a realistic conflict? Yes. Is it being presented in an overly dramatic way? Yes.

I'm getting off topic. Why I am pissed about Thursday night's episode: Their cold open was Halloween. Their Halloween episode was a two minute bit about three people in the office dressing up as the joker. It was a great joke. A great premise for an episode, and they spent two minutes on it. I'm mostly irritated by this because I love Halloween and I wish more shows would devote entire episodes to it. Every show has a Christmas episode every year. But Halloween always gets the shaft. Also, if that really is the end of the Michael/Holly story arch I will be much angried.

God, I talk about the Office a lot.

30 Rock is the bes show on television. Why aren't you watching it?

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