Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Staying up later than I should...

I've decided that I'm going to cool it on the Stripes for a while. White Stripes, I love you but I don't want to burn out on you. I've already had three dreams in which Jack White hates me. These dreams are very troubling.

Fortunately I have plenty of other music to listen too. I listened to Cake Bake Betty's "Songs About Teeth" today. It was a good album. I'll probably listen to it again tonight. Guster's new album is growing on me. At first I was cold to it, but it's insidious. It sort of sneaks up on you. It's probably their most listenable album. The best tracks on Ganging up on the Sun aren't as good as the best tracks on Keep it Together or Lost and Gone Forever but there aren't any tracks on GUOS that are unlistenable.

Tomorrow is thursday. THURSDAY! COME ON!!!!! Work did not suck today as much as it could've.

I think Matthew and I are going to a magic tourney on Sunday. It should be lots o' fun. It will also last a really long time. These sort of things do. They usually last about 1-2 hours too long. But hey, I really like limited magic, even though I suck at it.

Well I've said all I have to say.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This blog IS for the orphans.