Friday, December 08, 2006

Holy day of Obligation Batman!

Happy Birthday Droib!!!!!!!

As far as I can remember I have always gotten Droib terrible presents. I can't remember ever getting him something that he wanted or enjoyed. Here's some presents I seem to remember getting him.

1. Some sort of Illustrated Encyclopedia or history book or something... Yikes.
2. Shaft (Sam L. version) Not bad in and of itself, but still.
3. Soundtrack to American Gladiators. Wow, I'm a jackass.

So this year I'm going to try to find something that he'll actually like or use. I'm thinking maybe a crossbow.


Next year there are some pretty awesome-looking movies coming out.

January brings us Pathfinder (and Smoking Aces, for what it's worth)

Reno 911:Miami (February? Seriously? Ouch)
Ghost Rider (It IS a comic book movie...)
Black Snake Moan (Jimmy is really excited about this movie... I trust his judgment)

300 and Hot Fuzz open the same day. I doubt I'll have time to see any other movies that month

Grindhouse in April, Spiderman and Pirates in May. Next year will be a good one for movies.

Lord of the Rings the Third Age is fun. I like console RPG's. Ok I'm going to bed.

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