Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Just another post about sleeping

Well I'm done with about one eighth of my Christmas shopping. Hurray!!!!

I've gone out to eat entirely too many times this week. Seven times since Friday, and we're supposed to be going out tonight for the Christmas party thing. I've started running again in hopes of countering this ridiculous intake of food, I've also started limiting my soda intake. I've more or less been abstaining from soda between meals fairly consistantly for a while, but I've also been not drinking soda when I got out to eat recently. I really don't notice a difference when I don't drink soad, apart from being hungrier, but the evidence that soda is bad for me (and when I say "me" I mean people who drink it) is really too well documented for me to ignore.

NOTE: We're still working on the kitchen. We are still dog sitting Dutch. I asked Ben to take Dutch and Buster outside while I start painting. The dogs are still in their kennels and have been since about 10 pm last night. So what does Ben do, first thing, when he goes down stairs? Take a shower. Sure the dogs have been couped up for the past 13 hours, what's another 45 to 50 minutes going to hurt them! That's right 45 to 50 minutes is how long it takes Ben to get ready in the morning. EVERY MORNING.

I have to go paint now.

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