Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twas the night before the night before a week before New Year's Day...

So I'm still in my end of the semester funk (not that that really means anything. Me depressed is really just like regular me, only a little more sleepy and slightly more introverted). I think I've figured out why this pseudo depression has lingered as much as it has, but I'm not going to go into it, because it's pretty stupid. If the cause is what I think it is (which it is, obviously) than it's probably not going to go away for a while. Anyway it's not really that big of a deal.

I'm finally done Christmas shopping! I finished at like 3pm this afternoon, and it feels good to be done. I spent a lot more money this year than I have in the past and I'm afraid to look at my bank account, so I probably won't until I get another paycheck or two in there.

In music I'm not really that impressed by news, I listened to that Fleet Foxes album everyone has been ranting and raving about and frankly, I'm not that impressed. It's the kind of music I would put on to have in the background while I'm cleaning my room (which happens to be exactly how I finally ended up listening to the album). The lead singer still sounds exactly like Jim James from My Morning Jacket. Also, I'm listening to Wolf Parade's newest album at the moment. It's not that good either. The best album I've heard all year is Vampire Weekend. I don't care what anyone says, that album is gold.

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