Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's not make this awkward.

Ok. I know it's been like three months since I posted anything, but you know what? I was busy. I'm not going to apologize for it, because frankly, I think I was spending a little too much time with you anyway. I think we needed the break. But I'm back, for now, so let's just move on and get with the blogging.

I did absolutely nothing useful this week (oh look it's Matt being hyperbolic again, how original {Oh look it's Matt being self-aware again, how new and refreshing}). I feel like if this week of my life never happened, the world would be exactly the same as it is as a result of this week happening. I didn't even get any good naps in this week. I did do some serious coughing, and a little bit of writing, but other than that, I was an entirely useless human being. I usually come to these sorts of revelations on Friday nights, when I need to go to bed early, but can't because I'm not tired because I know I haven't done anything to earn tiredness, which is what is happening right now.

Suggestions to make future weeks more productive:

1. Go to the rec center more
2. Eat at home more
3. Write more
4. Read more
5. Work more hours
6. Spend less time on the computer

Though these things might not seem to be productive in and of themselves, they will certainly make me feel better, which will in turn help me sleep better on Friday nights.

Cape Public Library is awesome, but there are a lot of very uncomfortable chairs there. Just so you know.

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