Thursday, April 28, 2005

Works like a charm...

So last night was Ashely's last day at commerical mail. Chuck is the new guy. Chuck is very slow. He's getting better but, the end of the month started yesterday, and we are going to get slammed. Chuck's slowness will be detrimental to me getting out of work before 9.

Yesterday was also my first day of encoding at work. Encoding is manually typing out the addresses on the envelopes that the big machine can't read. It requires precision and speed. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am the best typist in the world, so this job will present little to no problem for me. Oh, but seriously I suck so much at typing.

I'm going to make a mixed cd to take with me to work today. It will not contain any Guster. I'm a little Gustered out right now. It might have a couple of Songs for Silverman tracks... I'm not sure. Ok I'm out.

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