Monday, August 29, 2005

My Crazy day.

So today I was sitting at home and Terrence called and said "Wanna go to a cubs game?" I was like "Where?" He was like "Chicago." I was like "When?". He was like "We leave in 20 minutes" I was like "Bonus." So I went to Chicago today but oddly enough we didn't end up going to the Cubs game. We got about halfway to Chicago when we realized we didn't have the tickets. The tickets were sitting on the table at my grandmothers house. There was a lot of swearing of a fairly creative nature At that point we were sort of commited to going to Chi-town so we continued on. So not having a baseball game to go to, we decided to go Lincoln Park Zoo. Lincoln Park Zoo is like a crappier more expensive less entertaining St. Louis Zoo. That being said, I love Zoos. They are awesome. Wild animals are fascinating. The only animal they had at Lincoln Park that they didn't at St Louis Zoo, as far as I know, is a giant panda. It was actually a touring Giant Panda, so it didn't actually live there, but it was there today. It was amazing. We ate at Bacinos and came home. It was a pretty fun day.

That was all a lie. My life isn't that interesting. I did see brothers grimm today. It wasn't very good.

So I just listened to Matthew's audio blog part two thing. All I can say is Christ. It's was like the first hegg's blog post I read, only in audio form. I should probably be more tolerant of people airing their problems in such an open forum, but I'm not. No matter how many times a person insists otherwise, it is a plea for attention. Maybe not a plea. But their is some desire there to have someone read/hear it and dispense pity or consolation or disgust or something.

Eh.. .whatever. Maybe they can't talk about it with anyone so they feel better just talking about it with everyone. If it works, good for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup, you got it right. At the last part anyway. Feel free not to be tolerant. But, you know, I never have, to my knowledge, nor will I ever ask you to read or listen to my bloggy shit. It's just me putting my ideas down. And it's hip and cool for it to be on the internets. Or something of that nature. That's not what this blog is, but I suppose that's what mine is. Only a little less often? I think my standard post isn't quite like that. However these audio things? I dunno. I can be open with that kinda stuff talking to a little black thing. So I am? I'll get it out of my system eventually. In the mean time, um, there will be large files of blog on my blog that aren't worth listening to.