Sunday, August 24, 2008

End of Summer Postravaganza!

Well folks, here it is: the Sunday night before the first day of school. I think it's going to be a good semester, but before we talk about the future, let's talk about the past, ie what I did this summer. And since this is the internet, my reminiscing will take the form of lists!

Ok list 1:

You may remember this from my post from May 11 (probably not though). It's my list of things I wanted to accomplish this sumer. For those who don't remember I'll recap.

Goals for the summer:
1. Get another job (we've seen this one before)
2. Save money to pay for school in the fall (this one is more a corollary part 1)
3. Get a DVD player
4. Become a better guitar player (we've seen this one too!)
5. Run or Bike everyday or almost everyday
6. Eat better.
7. Sleep more.
8. Read books.
9. Punctuate more consistently

Ok, let's see how I did.
1. Check
2. Check (we'll see about this one)
3. Check (Yay birthday!)
4. Not really
5. Sort of. I did pretty well until I got the pesky second job. But I still went at least once a week.
6. No. Not at all. Lots of fast food. Bad Matt.
7. Nope. 2 jobs = less sleep.
8. I did read a few books. Two of the Otori books, Michael Ian Black's "My Custom Van", and one of Bruce Alexander's Sir John Fielding mysteries.
9. Yes... and no,

So not too bad on the goals. I'm satisfied. Ok, next list.

Favorite Things of this summer (in no particular order);

1. Starting and continuing Food Night at Droid's (Pizza night 1 was a flop but it's been great since then)
2. Writing a screenplay (sort of)
3. Riding part of The Tunnel Hill Trail with my dad
4. Spaced DVD's
5. Stella DVD's
6. Watching all of Wes Anderson's movies in successive weeks.
7. Getting a better job

Least Favorite things of the summer:

Obviously losing Buster was the worst thing that happened to me this summer. He was my first dog, and I miss him. That being said here's some other stuff that wasn't nearly as unpleasant as the death of my dog.

1. Summer Comedies. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was the best comedy I've seen all year in theaters. Every other comedy was just not that funny.
2. No concerts. There was once concert I wanted to see this summer, (Raconteurs) but I ended up not going.

That's all I can think of really. So I was going to quite Kohl's today, but I didn't really. I told them I couldn't do adset anymore, and I told them I could only work three days a week. I told them if they could use me those three days then I'll work those three days. The ball's in their court. There were several reasons that I didn't outright quit Kohl's the most important being that I like having money. I'll be working about 20 hours a week at Wal-mart and it would be nice to have a bit more money floating my way.

So that's all for now. I'll probably post about how much I hate/love my classes sometime later this week.

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