Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Geekiest thing I've ever said

Brad Bohannon called me Friday afternoon. He had an extra ticket to the Cardinal's game and wanted to know if I wanted to go with him. I told him that I couldn't because I was DMing a session of Dungeons and Dragons that night. If Joe knew about this and was dead, he would be rolling around in his grave.

Speaking of DND *here begins the DnD rant, you've been warned*

It went pretty well I think. It took a little less than three hours, and we covered everything I had planned, storywise at least. The combat didn't really go as well as I would have liked. Especially the second encounter, when Jonathan destroyed pretty much all of the opponents in one attack. But I determined that I don't really like running combat. It's a lot to remember and a lot to coordinate. I do very much like the non-combat aspects of DMing though.

I think the biggest difference between me and Matthew when it comes to DMing is that I tend to see the role as more of a narrator, moving the plot forward and directing the action, and Matthew sees the role as more as a fascilitator ( I don't think that's how that word is spelled), he sort of allows us to do whatever we want and gives us hints every once in a while. Maybe as I get a little more experienced as a DM, I'll feel more comfortable letting the characters wander for a bit, but for this session I had a very clear idea of what needed to get accomplished and I wanted to make sure everything that needed to happen for the story happened. I'm pretty excited about what's in store for the next few sessions, it should be fun. I just need to get better at running combat.

*End DnD Rant*

News Shorts:

1. I'm thinking about re-reading book 7 (Harry Potter). I never re-read book 5 last summer when I was re-reading the whole series, I've tried to pick it up this summer, but it hasn't took. Anyway, that's something I'm considering.

2. The Bank Job is a pretty decent movie. The actual bank robbery part of the movie wasn't very good but the subsequent parts were pretty decent.

3. I read the Wanted graphic novel. I don't know what the movie was about, but I don't think it was about what the comic was about. I still kind of want to see it though.

4. Walmart is still pretty fun. I think we're going to be in the warehouse all the time from now on, which kind of blows because:
a. The warehouse isn't as fun as working at the store because
i. there are only the four of us there (as opposed to the 20 of us that work at the store)
ii. the work at the warehouse is kind of tedious
iii. the warehouse isn't airconditioned (which isn't a big deal for me because I'm a solja)
b. I don't get to hang out with Spants on my breaks
Working at the warehouse is kind of ok because
a. I can ride my bike to work (yeah right)
b. I can go home for lunch (or bring my lunch for that matter)
c. it's more convenient to go to lunch with any of my Cape friends (pretty much all of my friends)

5. I've been watching a lot of Spaced lately. It's so good, with 1.5 exceptions. (episode 2.1 and Daisy's story arch in the Battle Bots episode). Edgar Wright is kind of my hero.


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