Sunday, January 15, 2006

24 hours in Aurora

This weekend I went to Aurora Missouri for my aunt Mary's 50 birthday party. I was shocked that a person could drive west for five hours, and still be in Missouri. Anyway the party was a lot of fun and the weekend did nothing but cement the notion that my family rocks. The Essner's are just great people, I recommend you get to know some if presented the oppurtunity. (It's important to note that not all people with the last name Essner are real Essners. Some are fake. The differences are subtle, but extremely important. Most non-Essner's can't tell the difference between genuine and faux Essner's. Don't be fooled. When in doubt ask them if they've ever been to New Hamburg. If they say no, you know that they are false. If they say yes... well you're still not in the clear.)

My aunt Mary is a nun of the School Sisters of Notre Dame variety (SSND) and she is the pastoral associate of a couple of parishes in the Springfield part of the Springfield/Cape diocese. She is also a cheat. Don't ever play pictionary with her. You will lose and you won't know why.

I don't have anything else to say right now, so goodnight.

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