Friday, March 21, 2008

The Last Man

It's Good Friday. Only two more days of Lent. Actually, I think Lent ended last Sunday, because I think Holy Week is technically a different liturgical season, but 2 more days till I can drink Dr. Pepper again. Giving up soda is too easy. I really only craved it on one occasion. I don't really drink a lot of soda anymore anyway.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about Y the Last Man, the best thing I've read in a long time. Y the Last Man is a comic book series about the last man on earth. His name is Yorrick Brown, and I hope the rumors about Shia LaBoeuf playing him in the movie adaptation are false. The series is great because it never stops being interesting. It has a definite beginning middle and end, and it doesn't waste time with adding needless peril just to extend the story line. Occasionally the book will shift it's focus and spend some time telling the story of a minor character or two, but even then, it's relevant and interesting. It's a great book, and it's a little sad. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried when *SPOILER* Ampersand dies (peacefully, of old age mind you). There's just something about pets dying that makes me sad. I don't really mind when human characters get offed, but I just can't handle pets dying (Hedwig is the exception. I felt no sadness Hedwig was killed. Actually I don't think I was affected by any of the poorly written deaths of any of the characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, other then Tonks' death. I felt much joy with her passing).

I've pretty much spent all day reading Y the Last Man and listening to Wilco albums, both activities I highly recommend. I also folded clothes and dyed Easter Eggs, but I feel like I need to be more productive, so I'm going to find something useful to do (probably napping).

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