Thursday, March 27, 2008

Old Music

I'm listening to some "old music" right now. There's a lot of music on my computer that I've only listened to a couple of times, or haven't listened to for a couple of years or so. Music that I liked, but not liked enough to add to the random playlist that is the soundtrack of my life. Here's some examples of this "old music": Cake Bake Betty, The Lucksmiths, The Shins (for the most part), Page France, Boy Least Likely To, Danielson, Elliot Smith and the Pixies.

There are also a lot of songs on my computer by bands I never really got into. And when I say "never really got into" I mean haven't listened to, other than the tracks that I knew I like before acquiring the album. I have those albums on here because, someday, I intend to cultivate an appreciation of them. These albums include:"You Forget it In People", "Z", "Flying Club Cup", anything by the New Pornographers.

So on this lazy Thursday afternoon, before I go to work, I'm listening to "old music" and doing little else. This is going to be one of those days when I get home from work tonight and realize that I have done of use to anyone or myself all day. But in the interest of keeping the world abreast with the excitingness that is my life, here is a list of the things I've done today:

1. Woke up (around 9am, I went to bed about 12am)
2. Caught up on neglected webcomics (XKCD, which is amusing, if not funny most of the time, The Perry Bible Fellowship, which is clever if not amusing most of the time, and Penny Arcade, which is Penny Arcade for God's sake)
3. Read an interview with Simon Pegg on Aint it Cool.
4. Showered
5. FINALLY got to level 15 on FlyFF, which allowed me to pick a new job (Assist, apparently. You don't really get to shop around though, which I might talk about in a future post)
6. Watched Empire Strikes Back (Sort of. I was playing FlyFF and napping for parts of it. Which reminds me)
7. Nap (That happened around 1ish. The act of being awake for four hours straight is enough to wear me out)
8. At approximately 2:45 pm, I woke and decided I was hungry. So I ate the solid milk chocolate bunny I received for Easter. I covered it with peanut butter (because I can't really abide things that are chocolate and nothing else) and enjoyed a glass of milk simultaneously.
9. Now I'm blogging and listening to Guster? How did that happen.

Anyway, I need to find something to do that will justify my continued existence on this planet. Perhaps something outdoors? We'll see.

1 comment:

Kaylen said...

1. XKCD is awesome, even though I don't always completely understand it

2. Boy Least Likely To is (apparently) coming out with a new album, so yay?

3. My "old music" consists of Rooney and Phantom Planet (PP just opened for Panic @ the Disco...ew), so I think you win.

Hope all is well!