Sunday, March 02, 2008

Writing Machine

I wrote two scripts today! One for the scene that I have to write for 352 and one for the newsreader in my scene that I have to write for 352. My script is 4 pages long. Two more than it's supposed to be, but it's a fast four pages.

Schedule for this week:

Monday: Craziness.Class, film, class, film/study, test, eat, finish short story, sleep
Tuesday: finish filming, edit, class, work
Wednesday: class, edit, class, work
Thursday: find job
Friday: find job, FISH FRY!!!!
Saturday: marrilacs moveables, find job, Work

I love working at the fish fry, by the way. I just like being around all those people. Not because I like being around a lot of people, but because I know so many of them, or know of them, and it's nice to be useful and it's nice to just buckle down and work.

Here's why I like working at the fish fry, but don't want to work at a restaurant, where I would be doing very similar work to what I do at the fish fry:

At the fish fry people appreciate what I do. I work hard, I don't really take breaks, I'm good finding stuff that needs to be done and doing it. People notice that at the fish fry. If I worked at a restaurant, people wouldn't notice and they wouldn't care, and it would make working at the fish fry not fun, because it would be like work.

I won a trivia night on Thursday, I had help. It wasn't just me. It was Brian from class and some of his friends. We kicked ass.


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