Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rainy Day

I realized at about 10:30 last night that I had nothing left to do that day, so I went to sleep, and I kept sleeping till about nine this morning. I'm pretty awesome like that.
I was going to fill out my fafsa stuff this morning, but that didn't happen. I got a call from my dad saying that my uncle Keith's basement was flooding do to the massive amounts of rain that we have received (it's been raining pretty steadily since 1 or 2 this morning) so I went over there and helped him a little. He doesn't have a lot of stuff in his basement, but we got what he did have out. Then I went over to help my aunt Jane. She lives a few houses down from Keith, and her basement was quite flooded too, unlike Keith, she has a whole lot of stuff in her basement. So we got out what we could and she and Wayne, her husband, took some stuff over to my grandma's house where they and their two daughters, my cousins Abigail and Hanna, will stay for the next night or two.

Arena park is pretty much underwater. The creek has taken over all of the baseball fields. It's almost up to the tennis courts, or at least it was when I was leaving Keith's. I wonder how this will effect Pancake day (which is tomorrow).

Speaking of food, since I've been helping people with water problems since about 10:30 this morning, I haven't eaten anything today. I'm pretty hungry, but since I have class at 6 and work immediately after, I have to wait till at least 5ish to eat anything (Because, since I go from class to work, and don't get off work till 1ish, it'll be pretty late before I have a chance to eat anything).

It's still raining.

Anyway, remind me to post about work sometime.

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