Monday, June 13, 2005


So I was thinking... a lot of times in movies and TV and stuff, something bad will happen, and a character will look up to the sky and scream "WHY!? GOD, WHY!". It's usually raining when this happens, and usually someone has just died. But, if you think about it, and I usually do, this sort of reaction is never inapropriate (If you can't spell the word correctly, don't spell it at all) this sort of reaction is never. The assumption is that when something bad happens, it is God's fault. But, if God is the creator of everything, shouldn't every occurence be God's fault. Indeed it should. Also, if one was to say that they were completely knowledgeable of God's motivation for something, they would either be lying or God. Therefore, to ask God about God's reasoning for an event occuring would usually be a valid question, as you would never really know the answer. Though I suppose in the case of the person screaming "Why God, why" in the rain, the question is merely rhetorical. Also I don't really think God should be held accountable in the strictest sense, for everything that happens. I mean, yes, it was God that set up this great stack of dominos, but he knocked the first one down years ago, God comes to check on it from time to time, moves some stuff around a little bit, but for the most part, other than for moral support and intangible feelings of somethingness, all we have in this world are the other dominos. So be nice to the other blocks. Wow... I didn't mean for this to get all preachy. Sorry kids, don't do drugs... stay in school... hibbity jibbit.

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