Saturday, December 03, 2005

I bought some PJ's

Pants are awesome. For those of you not wearing pants now, congratulations.

Scholar bowl tournee tomorrow! I love reading at scholar bowl tournaments. It's so... nostalgic.
Speaking of nostalgia, today while I was driving my route I tried to name as many people from my high school graduating class as I could. I think I came up with about 60 people. Something like that. I was sort of impressed with how many I remembered. I was sort of dissapointed with myself for ones I didn't remember. Biggest moment of shame was Dustin Klipfel. I was in his class every year of grade school and he was like the 58 I remembered. I'm sorry Dustin. You're good people. Paul Tellow, you're also good people, you were number thirteenish, why haven't I seen you for 2 years?

Hey I need to wake up in 5 and a half hours.... Time to watch Arrested Development till I fall asleep!


Pete said...

listen to/call in to the show tonight! tell your friends.

Pete said...

damn kslu website...

Unknown said...

I resent that!!!! Number 58? You would probably be top 30 at least! Somehow I came across this, Props to Google...