Friday, December 09, 2005

Watching the Simpsons, thinking of food...

Man I'm hungry.

This weekend we, the Essner's, are painting our front room and just generally making it more liveable...livable... I don't know how to spell that word... We're also putting up our Christmas tree.
My goal this weekend is to get as many Christmas presents as possible... get as in purchase not receive...

Someone is trying to sell the second season of the Golden Girls for $40. I just saw an advertisement for it on television. What is this world coming to?

I know I've been tooting this horn a lot lately (tooting...tee hee) but seriously... Arrested Development is, by far, the best television show ever. It continues to make me laugh. Even when I watch episodes I've seen over and over again.

This weekend I need to see Narnia. I would also like to eat Domino's pizza, preferably deep dish... of the beef or bacon variety.

Ok, now I'm going to go to sleep or get something to eat... YOU DECIDE!!!

1 comment:

Pete said...

do both!

ps- narnia was really good, but for some reason i was mildly disappointed