Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm gonna be honest, I've been listening to a lot of Rufus today

I have no idea why. Rufus's stuff is just so listenable. Um... tomorrow is the first of the month. That means bad things for Commerical Mail services... namely mail and lots of it.

I've watched some of the first season of Arrested Development again. It's so good. The second season is good too, as is the third, but the first season is just ridiculously good. It saddens me that this show is likely to be cancelled. Who isn't watching it? Oh that's right, America.

I thought of an interesting concept for a game. I might propose it to Matthew as an activity for the annual Christmas get together. I rented a David Sedaris a Dave Barry book from the library. I can't really read Mr. Barry any more. I've been spoiled by more subtle humorists (D. Sedaris, Mike Nelson).

Ok. I'm off.

1 comment:

Pete said...

your help is needed. this week is save your show week @ kslu. Steve and I need 6 call ins a show to keep it for next semester. in addition to calling, you need to email and pledge your support for our show. tell your friends. get ppl in cape to listen to our show!!!