Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

I enjoy holidays. I think they are fun. There are however several fake holidays. Cheif among them is Valentine's Day. I don't know... maybe it isn't completely fake. It's sort of good in theory. But I think it's sort of become too mandatory? People shouldn't get mad or depressed about or becuase of Valentine's Day. Labor Day is also pretty bogus.

I watched the last 4 episodes of Arrested Development today. It's sad. It's like losing a friend. A friend that you only see once a week, and then only half an hour. But a friend that you have vivid and infinitely replayable memories of. And the friend isn't as much lost as it was murdered, murdered by the Fox Broadcasting company, which in a grand bit of irony is that which gave birth to it in the first place. Anyway Arrested Development was amazing. It is amazing. Buy the DVD's. I did. Twice.

Hey, is tomorrow Pancake Day? I don't know. I have heard that it is, but there is little evidence to back it up. Hmmm.

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