Monday, August 07, 2006

My skin is white as parchment

Last night I played in the poutiest game of ultimate frisbee ever played. I was on Layne's team and she was displeased with the throwing-off style of play. I understand why she doesn't like playing throw-off (because she just wants to run around a lot), but people like me who are completely out of shape enjoy the respite that the walk back after a touchdown affords us. J-long's team was mostly upset by the fact that we don't play by official rules. We allow three steps, which Jonathan always takes out of spite, and we don't play slaps. The three steps are pretty much just for touchdowns but the no slaps rule just seems more fair. It doesn't affect the game too much, plus I feel that our group isn't good enough to play slaps. There wasn't a lot of fun being had, especially by Josiah, who I accidentally slide tackled while trying to intercept the frisbee. I pretty much felt like a complete d-bag after that happened.

In other news Cole Jenkins is still one of the coolest people I know. He came out to The Ballaz "dodgeball practice". Jimmy didn't show, so it was just me and Adam. Cole showed up, we called J-long and decided to play some sand volleyball instead. It was pretty righteous.

Ok I'm going to golf

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