Sunday, January 04, 2009

I thought the major was a lady suffragette. JET!

How long have I been saying, "I should really listen to some Wings."? A really long time. I finally got a hold of The album Band on the Run, the first two tracks of which are a pretty potent combination (the title track and Jet!). The bad news is that version I downloaded is a vinyl rip and consists of one 41 minute track. Quel Dommage! Even though I think he's probably kind of a jerk, Paul is still my favorite Beatle.

Do not read the following paragraph, unless you want to be annoyed at Matt Essner's cloying for attention...

So you know that thing I alluded to in my first couple of posts back from my hiatus? The thing that I was being "really stupid" about? Well I'm still more or less being really stupid about it, but I've decided that I'm done with it for a while, so no longer will you have to suffer through vague description of vague concepts that may or may not be the cause of certain vague feelings. I know this whole paragraph seems like a ploy to illicit some curiosity or attention or something like that, but I assure you it's not. It's mostly a reminder for myself. In fact, let me go ahead and put a disclaimer before this paragraph to keep people that aren't me away (of course, it'll look like I typed that first because it'll come before this paragraph sequentially, but still). I don't know why I'm even bothering to be so mysterious about this. I know what I'm talking about, and the people that read this blog that aren't me, probably know me well enough to know that I'm talking (or, more accurately, not talking) about the one subject that I'm ever reticent to discuss with people that aren't myself. Anyway, the point is I've decided there's nothing I can do about it and thinking about it all the time certainly isn't helping. So yeah. No more thinking about it.

End of self-indulgence.

I have an X-Box 360 now. I got it about a week ago. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up earlier, but I haven't really played it much. Before tonight, if I didn't count New Years, I've probably spent about 2 hours on the console. Including New Years and today, probably 6 hours. As with most toys, before I got an X-Box, I thought I would use it all the time, but now that I have one, I'm glad I have it, but there's other stuff I'd rather do than play X-Box. I'm sure all of this will change when I get my hands on a copy of Dynasty Warriors 6 or some other such mindless hack and slash.

DnD tomorrow! Huzzah!

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