Friday, November 24, 2006

Friday no more; A Boring post about my job

Worked sucked so much more than the Friday after Thanksgiving should. Here's a rundown of Clockout times this week vs mail we ran.

Monday: 8:10 ; 26,000
Tuesday: 8:20; 24,000
Wednesday: 8:45; 23,000
Friday: 8:55; 21,000

Tonight we ran 21,000 pieces. Over half of the businesses whose mail we sort were closed today. We ran a lot of mail from my two least favorite accounts. They're my least favorite especially when I have to meter them, which I had to do tonight. An important thing to mention is that metering mail takes considerably longer than just screening it. When companies send us their mail and it already has postage on it, all we have to do is screen it, which means we flip through it to make sure every letter has postage and make sure there are no stamped pieces in with their mail. It takes about 20-30 seconds to screen a tray of mail. When the mail doesn't have postage on it, when it comes from companies that don't have a postage machine and we have to meter it it takes anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes to prepare a tray of mail to be run through the sorter. It sucked so much. I can't express to you how easy tonight should have been. Fuck Great West Health Insurance. I hope the building catches fire and the flames burn hot with the massive amounts of junkmail that they send to people on a nightly basis.

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