Saturday, November 25, 2006

Matt v. Tea; Round 2

I feel like I'm starting to get sick so I'm drinking hot tea to nip the sickness in the bud. I tried to get into the habit of drinking hot tea earlier this year, it didn't go over so well. I'm trying a peppermint, herbal tea with a spoonful of honey in it. It is making me feel better. The problem is when I'm in these early stages of sickness and my throat gets all gunky there are certain things that if I drink them it makes the problem worse, dark sodas (not really a problem. I don't need soda like some people *Matthew K Long*) and milk. Not being able to drink milk is a problem. Milk, Peanut Butter and Ranch dressing are the foodstuffs I consume with the most frequency. I drink milk with everything, especially with things that I have with peanut butter or ranch dressing.

I got up about 8 this morning to play football with Keith, some Strohmeyers and their friends. It was fun, but I was completely useless. I can't throw a football and I couldn't outrun anyone else out there. I did make a couple of quick completions for first downs but other than that. Mr. Garner, the guy who taught me physics was an unstoppbale football god.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is great, but I'm sure you already knew that, but did you know that the second season of Extras is also great. I'm sure you assumed it would be, but I have evidence to back it up. It's important to note that it is NOT, I repeat, NOT as good as the first season, but it definately has some great episodes. Specifically the Ian McKellan episode.


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