Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I forgot that I had changed my password...

I was feeling kind of sick Saturday night after I got second at the euchre tournament so I came home and slept.

Sunday I went to see For Your Consideration with Jimmy (it sucked, lots) still felt kind of sick so I came home Sunday night and slept.

Monday felt slightly less sick, but work Jimmy was really sick so he didn't come in on Monday. I ended up having to take early and late run together, but it wasn't a big deal cause I'm a hoss.

Tuesday, Jimmy was back at work. I realized that the first of the month is Friday and freak out a little. Tuesday night, in bed by 11. I woke up this morning looked at the clock. It said 11:15. I slept for 12 hours. I am some sort of sleeping demi-god.

Ok so here's what's happening to me the next few days. Tomorrow is all about homework, with a bit of giving blood in the middle, followed by some working then some more Battle for Middle Earth. God I love that game. Friday is going to suck because it's going to be snowing/raining/sleeting and it's the first of the month and I have late run. Saturday I'll be getting up ridiculously early to go read at the Notre Dame Scholar Bowl Tournament, if it isn't called off due to snow. Some point this weekend I need to cancel my subscription to Final Fantasy 11. 11 is a decent game, but I don't feel like the time investment is worth it. The late game content seems pretty cool, but getting there would take a lot more time than I care to spend playing a non-RTS. I don't regret buying it. It was only $20 and like I said, it's a good game. Maybe I should just stick to the console RPG's.

So I'm in a LOTR kick due in large part to Battle For Middle Earth. It's the best RTS I've played in a long time. I'm trying to read 2 towers now. I'm farther than I've ever been (Chapter 3).

Anyway. I'm going to try to read more now.

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